Faith in Jesus for salvation is just the beginning. We are saved and made new to become more like Jesus. This journey takes nurture and growth. Use the articles and sermon notes below to help your foundation of faith grow deeper and stronger in God!
Sermon Notes & Articles
AFTER THE SERMON-Healing Bridges
Pastor Ryan was joined by Dorothy Wood and they opened up today’s message with the point that this Building Bridges series was inspired by the opportunity to help people see Jesus, the Christian faith, and His followers in a new way. Pastor Ryan said he has spent a lot of time helping people who have damaged views and misconceptions of the church, both valid, but both needing to be addressed. If we are careful to be wise around non-Christians…
AFTER THE SERMON-How We Build Bridges
In this series so far we’ve learned how important it is to build bridges. This week Pastor Ryan started to break down how we build bridges and even shared a powerful video testimony to show us a method we can use. Between last week’s story in John 4 and today’s scripture, we see Jesus was successful at building bridges by doing the following:
AFTER THE SERMON-Bridges Over Barriers
Pastor Ryan unpacked portions of John 4 showing us the intentionality and the purposeful love Jesus had for the people of Samaria. We learned that historical and cultural barriers can be broken down if were willing to stop avoiding and start embracing people different than us. Jesus shocked the Samaritan woman and his own disciples through this encounter at the local well in Samaria. Jesus built a bridge by going through Samaria and caring for one woman.
AFTER THE SERMON-Called to Build
Pastor Ryan starting building further into the series by showing us how we are called to build bridges too. We learned from John 1 that God uses people to build bridges or point and show the way to Jesus. Last week we learned Jesus is the bridge to God, this week we learned we are like bridges to Jesus. Some of us may not feel all that worthy...
AFTER THE SERMON-The Bridge to God
Pastor Ryan did a soft launch to our new series today as we celebrated lives who have crossed over from death to life. Pastor Ryan showed us the heart of God for sinner’s in Luke 15 and how much He loves when we repent and the lost is found. We learned that Jesus is the way to God, He is the bridge.
AFTER THE SERMON-Strong & Courageous Together
Pastor Ryan wrapped up our Together series taking us through a journey of the early church going into the world to make disciples (devoted followers) of Jesus. We discovered that we are not alone because the Holy Spirit goes with us and that there is strength in numbers.
AFTER THE SERMON-More Than Coffee and Donuts-Part 2
Pastor Ryan took our together series to the next focus of fellowship that encourages spiritual growth. We learned that we are to grow and go deeper in Christ, together. Jesus is the goal of our growth, He’s the blueprint for who we are becoming, the inspiration for building up another.
AFTER THE SERMON-More Than Coffee and Donuts
Being together is more than about coffee and donuts because real-life issues that need our care and attention are going to come up. It’s often those real-life issues that are moments of growth for everyone in the fellowship. You grow, we all grow, when we apply scripture to care and carry one another’s burdens.
This past Sunday Pastor Ryan began a new series entitled TOGETHER. We heard Pastor Ryan’s heart come out and really the Word of God as he showed us in scripture that we belong together, therefore we are not alone.
The beauty of the family of God is how diverse and different we are, but what unites us is Jesus Christ. We all have our unique personality and identity, but when it comes down to it the way Jesus thinks and loves is also the way the church should too. Pastor Ryan challenged the church to be united in a world that is divided. His main point was
This is our first publish of WHY WE SING. The purpose of WHY WE SING is to help you understand the song Biblically so you can worship God more emphatically.
AFTER THE SERMON-Freedom Not In Vain
Pastor Ryan poured out and communicated a burden God put on his heart for the church in America. In a nutshell, we’ve been blessed with freedom from sin and death through Jesus’ sacrifice and we’ve been blessed to exercise our faith freely in our great nation. Pastor Ryan was challenged by God that we’ve taken those freedoms for granted and the time to steward them well is now.