We hope today’s message was encouraging and helpful. Take a moment to process and discuss what God may be trying to say to everyone in your home or in your community group. If no one is with you, have a personal conversation with God, He is with you.

Scripture:  Isaiah 45:5

Other Scriptures Referenced:  
Proverbs 16:1-4, 9;Proverbs 14:12;  Judges 20:18-36, Luke 10:38-32

(If you’re going through this discussion with a community group this week consider taking the time to read or paraphrase through the provided scripture to catch everyone up!)


With the uncertainty around us and with all the myriad of opinions, we tend to try to gain control by coming up with solutions or plans.  But Pastor Coon showed us examples from the Word as to why God might sideline our plans to prepare us for something better.  Because God knows all, knows what to do, and knows the end result, we need to “let God be God.” The only one we can truly trust is God and His Word.  Pastor Coon pointed out the difference between waiting on God and waiting before God. Waiting before the Lord gives us time to focus our attention on our powerful, compassionate God.  Waiting in His presence allows God to calm our anxiety and fears so we can hear His voice, surrender to His will and “Let God be God.”


  • God will not always answer our prayers or do things the way we think He should; because He’s God and we’re not. 

  • God knows all.  God has a plan for your good and He knows the outcome.  Trust Him.

  • Waiting on God in expectation and faith while going about our life is important but there is more. 

  • Waiting Before God is the necessary thing to build up trust, cast off anxiety, and receive hope and His plans.

  • Surrender your control and “need-to-know the outcome now” and “Let God be God.”


  • Why do we think we have to have the answer NOW?   Is it because we don’t like conflict, things being out of our control, to calm the internal anxiety or fear, or is it something else?  

  • Sometimes God’s plans or ways are so different from our plans or ways, how do we deal with that?   

  • Why are we so uncomfortable when, like Moses or Paul, we’re put on the sideline for a while?   

  • In your own words, what’s the difference between “waiting on God” and “waiting before God?”

  • What would “waiting before God” look like in your life?   What might it take?

  • Share a favorite Scripture you may have about “waiting on or before the Lord.”  How has that scripture helped you in the past?


Heavenly Father, we’re so thankful that you’re God and we are not.  Thank you for your faithfulness in our lives and for your Word that reveals your amazing character and care over your children.  Forgive us for where we’ve not trusted you in our lives.  Teach us to wait expectantly on You.  To put our trust in you instead of rushing off on our own.  Teach us to slow down and experience the benefits of waiting before You, sitting in your Presence rolling our cares over onto you while listening for your still small voice.  Help us to learn to quiet the inner voices and be still in your presence.  Thank you for your patience as we learn to step down and allow you to be God in our lives.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Find time this week to wait before the Lord and practice His presence. 

We hoped you found this AFTER THE SERMON discussion helpful for your walk with Jesus. We pray you can find ways to apply it this week!




The Power of the Truth