Faith in Jesus for salvation is just the beginning. We are saved and made new to become more like Jesus. This journey takes nurture and growth. Use the articles and sermon notes below to help your foundation of faith grow deeper and stronger in God!
Sermon Notes & Articles
Lessons Learned in 2020
There were days my mouth could have really stirred the pot but I waited, prayed, and decided that my post or article wouldn't change millions of minds. While I do think my influence is important, I concluded it would be better for the world to hear words that came from the mouth of Jesus. Millions of people have yet to hear everything Jesus said and they are words that offer eternal life…
Christmas Eve 2020-Peace Is With Us
Pastor Ryan unpacked the truth that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, and Emmanuel, God with us came to earth. In Jesus, we find peace for our journey through this life. We’ve had a challenging year. The promise of God is while we will have trouble here on earth, Jesus overcame it and lives with us…
Hope That Meets Us Here
Christmas. “The most wonderful time of the year.” When everything is just a little bit more bright and cheerful, when light and love abound . . . but what about when in the midst of the most wonderful time of the year, you feel anything but wonderful?
The Christmas Bridge
Christmas can be one of the most difficult times in the grief journey because we associate this time with being together with those we love, sharing in the joy, and gift-giving…
AFTER THE SERMON-God’s Incredible Love Personified: Part 2
We can only scratch the surface of understanding God’s love, and other characteristics of God, through our own understanding. God is so much more than we can see and understand, and that includes the depth of His love. When we look at Christmas, we see Him punching through the darkness of this world to bring His love and strength to us.
AFTER THE SERMON-God’s Incredible Love Personified
We can only scratch the surface of understanding God’s love, and other characteristics of God, through our own understanding. God is so much more than we can see and understand, and that includes the depth of His love. When we look at Christmas, we see Him punching through the darkness of this world to bring His love and strength to us.
Does Jesus Bring Peace or Not?
If you attend church chances are you’ve heard a Christmas message about Jesus being the “Prince of Peace” and have seen Christmas cards that say, “Peace on Earth.” But maybe you’ve been confused because as you read through the book of Luke or Matthew you run into the verse where Jesus says, “Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other!” (Luke 12:51)
AFTER THE SERMON-Experience Generosity
Pastor Ryan wrapped up the series, The Journey of Generosity today with a message on how to experience generosity. The journey has taken us from the generosity of God to the heart of our generosity, to prioritizing giving so we can be generous and today we learned that our generosity is a joyous experience that yields eternal dividends.
24 Days In Luke for Christmas
Join Pastor Ryan and others as we read through the book of Luke this December to celebrate the birth, life, sacrifice, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Using a journal or notebook write the chapter of each day at the top and begin to write down scripture verses, words, and messages that stick out or speak to you!
The Attitude of Gratitude
A Family Devotional for Thanksgiving
Gratitude increases your spiritual vision. Daily thanking God for His provision increases our ability to see His faithfulness. We’ll quickly discover that God's provisions and blessings have always been there, our hearts just needed to catch up…
AFTER THE SERMON-Prioritize Giving
Pastor Ryan took us forward on the journey of generosity with a simple reminder to make giving a priority. The Bible gives us principles for giving that have been practiced for centuries in the Christian church. The first fruits principle says to give to God first before using any of your income on yourself, expenses, or savings...
AFTER THE SERMON-The Heart of Generosity
Pastor Ryan continued our series and brought up a core focus of stewarding our finances, our hearts. Who would have thought that our hearts would play a major role in how we manage, spend, and give of our finances. We know that a heart changed by Jesus is going to live like Jesus. We learned we have to guard our hearts or else…
Pastor Ryan began our new series The Journey of Generosity in one of the most generous times of the year. As Pastor Ryan said, generosity isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. We learned today that God is very generous. We get our generosity from God. Generosity is admired and celebrated in the days and life of Jesus. God’s greatest expression of generosity was in the giving of His Son for our salvation.
AFTER THE SERMON-Bridging Forward
Pastor Ryan concluded the Building Bridges series by challenging us to rethink and adapt how we’ve looked at church. We were encouraged to think more like a missionary church instead of a stationary church. We learned that over 2000 years ago
I Respectfully Disagree
What do you do when you come across a person who thinks, holds beliefs, votes, and advocates for things differently than you? How do you have a respectful and beneficial conversation, even if you disagree? Is it possible to disagree without burning bridges... even walking away on good terms? Yes, I do believe it is possible! Here are some tips for having respectful conversations with people…