AFTER THE SERMON-Our Passionate God

We hope today’s message was encouraging and helpful. Take a moment to process and discuss what God may be trying to say to everyone in your home or in your community group. If no one is with you, have a personal conversation with God, He is with you.

Scripture: Psalms 103: 8-12

(If you’re going through this discussion with a community group this week consider taking the time to read or paraphrase through the provided scripture to catch everyone up!)


In these times we are going through, the only true stability we have is God. He created us in His image. But Satan, the world, and our human nature have conspired to destroy the true image of God in our own perceptions. We need to be able to transcend our own understanding of who God is in order to see who He REALLY is. What we believe about Him does not change who He really is. We looked at Psalms 103: 8-12 as a true description of the character of God we serve and love. It can be very different than what we may understand but it illustrates the tremendous compassion, love, and grace of God. He loves us unconditionally and redeems us from where we are in this unstable world.


  • Satan is in a constant battle with us to distort the character and nature of God.

  • It is imperative that who God truly is, is understood and held onto the best we can.

  • Our perceptions of God can waiver but God’s view of us does not change.

  • What we believe about God does not change who He really is.

  • Our understanding of God falls way short of who He really is.

  • God’s character cannot be defined by our own fleshly understanding. Psalms 103: 8-9

  • God's view of our sin is much different than our own view of our sin. Psalms 103: 10

  • God always attempts to communicate to us the enormity of His love and grace.
    Psalms 103: 11-12


  • How does our text in Psalms 103: 8-12 change how you may view God?

  • How do you believe your past experiences or relationships have affected your ability to see God for who He really is?

  • What impacts you the most about the description of God in our scriptural text?

  • How has this message changed or reinforced the way you personally see God and his view of you?


Lord, help us see who you truly are and not what our own understanding sees you as. Give us your word and reinforce with experiences how much you truly love us. Separate our sin from us so we can have a true and unfiltered relationship with you. Set us free from our fear and our coping mechanisms of hiding and running from you in guilt and shame. Wrap your loving arms around us and reinforce who you truly are in our lives. Thank you for your abundant love and grace and help us to serve and love you out of true freedom and understanding. In Jesus’ name, amen!


This week, choose to view God through the lens of His compassion, love, and grace.

We hoped you found this AFTER THE SERMON discussion helpful for your walk with Jesus. We pray you can find ways to apply it this week!


The Power of the Truth 
