Faith in Jesus for salvation is just the beginning. We are saved and made new to become more like Jesus. This journey takes nurture and growth. Use the articles and sermon notes below to help your foundation of faith grow deeper and stronger in God!
Sermon Notes & Articles
AFTER THE SERMON-The Holy Spirit Is Essential
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit was so essential to God that Jesus promised it to his disciples. He told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit before going out to be witnesses to their surrounding world. The disciples experienced hunger and thirst that caused them to obey and seek the fulfillment of this promised power for ministry.
During an interesting week for the church, Pastor Ryan preached about the importance of knowing our true identity as THE Church. When Jesus started THE CHURCH he began it by building people, not a building. Pastor Ryan shared how he grieves that we are not together as the body should be since Jesus started a community of believers known as THE Church.
AFTER THE SERMON-Wholeness Is Essential
In this week’s message, Pastor Jody and Dorothy shared with us that WHOLENESS IS ESSENTIAL. When our soul is not at rest, when we are unsettled, ashamed, feeling guilt and condemned, we want to run and hide. God asks, in a loving fatherly way, “Where are you?” God wants to make us whole, complete in Him.
AFTER THE SERMON-Rest Is Essential
The question Pastor Ryan posed that is key to this new series is what have we learned is essential? What were some lifestyles we lived before COVID that we would like to leave behind and new lifestyles or things we want to bring with us as we reopen?
AFTER THE SERMON-Purpose Resurrected
When something is broken or worn, some people throw it away as if it’s purpose and time has run out. Others can see broken or worn things in a way that they restore or repurpose it. Maybe you’re like Pastor Ryan, he can see the potential, but doesn’t have the craftsmanship to see it through. Even when we can’t see the potential in ourselves, God sees it.
AFTER THE SERMON-Identity Resurrected
Identity matters…Identity is who you are or how others know you. Your true identity comes from God, but sin stole or caused us to lose who we were truly meant to be. The only one who should have a say in who we truly are is our creator. In order to figure out who you are, you have to know whose you are. You are God’s creation and when Jesus died and rose again for you, God was paying the ransom, cleaning you up and claiming you back from sin and this world. God is calling you home to be more than His creation, but His child that He dearly loves. When our identity is resurrected so is our understanding of who we truly are, who we were always meant to be and all the blessings that come with being a child of God!
AFTER THE SERMON-Hope Resurrected
Pastor Ryan opened with a story about his daughter watering a dead plant in a flower pot. Much to His surprise a new shoot from the plant broke through the soil weeks later. Ryan shared how that resonated with him to not give up hope.
We hope today’s message was encouraging and helpful. Take a moment to process and discuss what God may be trying to say to everyone in your home or in your community group. If no one is with you, have a personal conversation with God, He is with you.