AFTER THE SERMON-Identity Resurrected

We hope today’s message was encouraging and helpful. Take a moment to process and discuss what God may be trying to say to everyone in your home or in your community group. If no one is with you, have a personal conversation with God, He is with you.

Scripture: 1 Peter 2:8-10; Ephesians 1:4-5; Ephesians 1:12-14

(Other scriptures referenced: Genesis 1:26-27; Colossians 1:15-17; Isaiah 11:1; Colossians 1:19-22; 1 John 4:4; Romans 8:28; Romans 8:31-39; Hebrews 12:25-29).

(If you’re going through this discussion with a community group this week consider taking the time to read or paraphrase through some of the provided scripture to catch everyone up!)


Identity matters…Identity is who you are or how others know you. Your true identity comes from God, but sin stole or caused us to lose who we were truly meant to be. The only one who should have a say in who we truly are is our creator. In order to figure out who you are, you have to know whose you are. You are God’s creation and when Jesus died and rose again for you, God was paying the ransom, cleaning you up and claiming you back from sin and this world. God is calling you home to be more than His creation, but His child that He dearly loves. When our identity is resurrected so is our understanding of who we truly are, who we were always meant to be and all the blessings that come with being a child of God!


  1. In order to figure out who you are, you have to know whose you are.

  2. What God says and thinks about you matters the most.

  3. Sin had stolen our identity. Our true identity was lost in sin.

  4. Only Jesus can restore our stolen identity. 

  5. We not only know our true identity, we also know our destiny!

Children of God know many other things about themselves: 

We are not lost, we are found!

We are not dead, we are alive!

We are not orphans, we are home!

We are not alone, we are held!

We are not abandoned, we are wanted!

We are not forgotten, we are remembered!

We are not overlooked, we are seen!

We are not forsaken, we are claimed!

We are not condemned, we are loved!

We are not a mess, we are a masterpiece!

We are not anxiety, we are confident!

We are not depressed, we are joyful!

We are not worthless, we are priceless!

We are not defeated, we are more than conquerers!

We are not guilty, we are forgiven!

We are not this world, we are holy!

We are not slaves, we are free!

We are not destroyed, we are eternal!

We are not alone, we are family!

We are not dispensable, we are essential!

We are not replaceable, we are precious!

We are not shaken, we are secure!

We are not fearful, we are peaceful

We are not surprised, we are eagerly waiting!

We are not clueless, we know the future!

Amen! Amen! Praise God!


  1. What stuck out to you from today’s message and why?

  2. What’s the difference between having a human identity and having an identity in Christ?

  3. How do we find our identity in Christ?

  4. What’s amazing about God is we can know Him in a personal way because of Jesus…So what do you know about God that you love?

  5. What’s one thing God says about you that have come to appreciate? Why does it mean so much to you?

    (If you have questions about your identity you’re still trying to figure out drop a question below in the comments!)


Let’s pray that we will know our God, our creator and heavenly Father in a deeper way. Let’s pray that we don’t let the things or other people in this world define who we are. Let’s pray for those who don’t know God created and loves them, that God wants them to come home.

Challenge: Share this sermon or this message in your own words with someone you know who doesn't know their creator!

We hoped you found this AFTER THE SERMON discussion helpful for your walk with Jesus. We pray you find ways to apply it this week!


AFTER THE SERMON-Purpose Resurrected
