AFTER THE SERMON-Hope Resurrected

We hope today’s message was encouraging and helpful. Take a moment to process and discuss what God may be trying to say to everyone in your home or in your community group. If no one is with you, have a personal conversation with God, He is with you.

Scripture: The widow’s son-Luke 7:11-17; Matthew 27:50-53

(Other scriptures referenced: Jairus’ daughter-Mark 5:21-43; Lazarus-John 11:25).

(If you’re going through this discussion with a community group this week consider taking the time to read or paraphrase through some of the provided scripture to catch everyone up!)


Pastor Ryan opened with a story about his daughter watering a dead plant in a flower pot. Much to His surprise a new shoot from the plant broke through the soil weeks later. Ryan shared how that resonated with him to not give up hope. He began to read and share stories about the resurrection power of Jesus. His resurrection was so powerful that it caused other dead saints to raise up from the dead (Matthew 27:50-53). The major point of his message was that hope resurrected at the resurrection. If Jesus can raise people from the dead, heal the sick, save us from sin and eternal death, surely, he can revive and resurrect our circumstances that appear flatlined.


  1. The resurrection has resurrected hope!

  2. Circumstances and situations may appear flatlined, but with Jesus there’s still a pulse. 

  3. Unless Jesus is welcomed or comes into those circumstances we won’t see a resurrection.

  4. Something has to die before there can be a resurrection. We have to crucify what’s getting in the way (pride, sin, rebellion).

  5. If we try to change the circumstance with our own power we will fail.

  6. Jesus resurrected us from sin and eternal death, no circumstance is too dead for God.


  1. What stuck out to you from today’s message and why?

  2. Why do situations or circumstances appear to dead or hopeless to us at times?

  3. What does it means to look at life through the lens of resurrection power? And how can we start looking at this world through that lens more often?

  4. Why is important that Jesus is welcomed or invited into dead appearing situations?

  5. What part of this message do you need to apply to your life and how will you apply it?


Is there someone who you know is in a situation that seems hopeless and dead, pray for them. Let’s pray for our world too, that this world would look to Jesus and see he doesn’t just offer a temporary fix, but an eternal one.

We hoped you found this AFTER THE SERMON discussion helpful for your walk with Jesus. We pray you find ways to apply it this week!


