AFTER THE SERMON-Heaven Is Not Locked Down

We hope today’s message was encouraging and helpful. Take a moment to process and discuss what God may be trying to say to everyone in your home. If no one is with you, have a personal conversation with God, He is with you.  

Scripture: Psalm 46

(If you’re leading a Bible study this week we recommend reading through the provided scripture to catch everyone up!)


Pastor Jody and Pastor Ryan sat down together to talk about this powerful Psalm and how it continues to speak into the context of our situation, today. Psalm 46 is a great reminder of how much greater God is than all calamity and troubles we face. We are encouraged by the strength, protection and provision God offers. In the midst of a tight spot, we can “BE STILL and know that I am God,” because God is our “ever present help in time of trouble.”  Jody quoted a pastor from New Jersey who said, “Heaven is not on lockdown.” In other words, God is working and we know it’s all for our good! Praise God!


Pastor Jody shared the following takeaways to consider as we face this current crisis of our day: 

  1. God does not do things half way—He helps in EVERY WAY

  2. When circumstances scream, God whispers

    1 Kings 19:11-13 Elijah hears from God, but not in the loudness of the earthquake, wind, or fire. God spoke in a gentle, still, small voice. God got Elijah’s attention and then He spoke.

  3. God is rock solid and steady in a shaken, uncertain, and unstable world 

Pastor Ryan shared a few takeaways too:

  1. God whispers because He’s close—He’s an ever present help

  2. We need to let God be God—let Him do what He does best

  3. If we listen to God’s words and put them into practice we’ll make it through any storm—Matthew 7:24-27


  1. What stuck out to you from today’s message? 

  2. There are a lot of things God is for us in Psalm 46, which one gives you confidence?

  3. How can you tell God is speaking to you? 

  4. What do you think God has been trying to whisper to you?

  5. What will you do to adjust your week and intentionally connect with God? 


Invite everyone to say a simple prayer related to the message or whatever is on their heart (If someone is shy, don’t force it). 

We hoped you enjoyed this AFTER THE SERMON discussion. Tell us how your experience went, below!


