Faith in Jesus for salvation is just the beginning. We are saved and made new to become more like Jesus. This journey takes nurture and growth. Use the articles and sermon notes below to help your foundation of faith grow deeper and stronger in God!
Sermon Notes & Articles
AFTER THE SERMON-Who Are You Following?
Who are you following this year? Who is leading your life? Who’s teaching you how to live, what to think, how to treat others, and what to focus on? It’s a new year, so where are we headed? Do we have a plan or vision for who we want to become and where to go? Pastor Ryan urged us to follow Jesus and he used a scripture we all probably didn’t expect…
The Attitude of Gratitude
A Family Devotional for Thanksgiving
Gratitude increases your spiritual vision. Daily thanking God for His provision increases our ability to see His faithfulness. We’ll quickly discover that God's provisions and blessings have always been there, our hearts just needed to catch up…
I Respectfully Disagree
What do you do when you come across a person who thinks, holds beliefs, votes, and advocates for things differently than you? How do you have a respectful and beneficial conversation, even if you disagree? Is it possible to disagree without burning bridges... even walking away on good terms? Yes, I do believe it is possible! Here are some tips for having respectful conversations with people…
This is our first publish of WHY WE SING. The purpose of WHY WE SING is to help you understand the song Biblically so you can worship God more emphatically.
What are you watering? It may seem like a strange question, but we get what we water. My granddaughter Ava was watering a dead plant, which seemed ridiculous. However, she kept watering it, and after a few weeks, a small green sprout appeared. The plant seemed to be dead, but Ava! It's the same with God. Situations, circumstances, relationships, possibilities may seem dead or impossible, but God!
We just celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. The resurrection is good news, because it is victory over sin and death. When we put our faith in the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are revived, resurrected and reborn, spiritually. But why do we need to be reborn or resurrected Spiritually? Because all mankind is dead, spiritually.