
What are you watering?

It may seem like a strange question, but we get what we water. My granddaughter Ava was watering a dead plant, which seemed ridiculous. However, she kept watering it, and after a few weeks, a small green sprout appeared. The plant seemed to be dead, but Ava! It's the same with God. Situations, circumstances, relationships, possibilities may seem dead or impossible, but God!

I'm sure you've noticed that we've had a LOT of rain this month. But have you observed all the beautiful flowering trees and plants? Isn't the lush green grass beautiful? I love Spring with its kaleidoscope of colors, but I know each year that to see color resurrected, I have to endure all the watering and cloudy days. So yes, what do you want to come to life? What are you willing to water?

I asked this of my small group, and one lady shared that she is "watering the spiritual woman she wants to become." She had made many mistakes in life and lived without God for forty-four years, so instead of living in regret or guilt, she chooses to invest in who she can become. She’s spending time in the Word, praying, listening to sermons and practicing what she’s learning. What a great idea!

Another is watering a relationship through surrendering her controlling, manipulative behavior and giving God total control. She is praying for the person, obeying, and doing whatever God impresses on her to do. She's staying silent in criticism, judgment, or advice and leaving the talking to God or whoever He sends their way. It has enabled her to release some of the emotional stress. As a consequence, it's been easier to show kindness and be more relaxed in their encounters. As she keeps on watering, God will give the increase.

Where have you lost hope? Getting ahead? A dream? Changing? I had lost confidence in ever being healthy again. My body seemed so broken down and abused that it could never heal. But God! I watered my dead hope with desperate prayer. I took baby steps of obedience in doing what I could. I was confused about diets because I had started so many, so I asked for God's direction. I had to surrender my fear of failure again and dare to believe that with God, it was possible. What I found was not a diet, but a whole support system and journey for rebuilding habits of health. I'm still on that journey, but because I watered it, what was once dead is now alive! I’m still watering and taking steps of faith.

What needs to be resurrected in you or for you? Don't give up hope because it seems dead or impossible. There are some hopes that other people can frustrate because of their stubborn hearts. But God can do something in you in the process and help you put your faith in Him instead of people. Water it in prayer. Water it in steps of obedience to what God shows you. Water it in getting counsel. Water it in preparation for a resurrection. Picture it alive. Keep believing, keep praying, keep watering, and see what God resurrects.

“May the God of hope fill you will all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 NIV

Written by Angela Coon


AFTER THE SERMON-Identity Resurrected


AFTER THE SERMON-Hope Resurrected