Faith in Jesus for salvation is just the beginning. We are saved and made new to become more like Jesus. This journey takes nurture and growth. Use the articles and sermon notes below to help your foundation of faith grow deeper and stronger in God!
Sermon Notes & Articles
The work of Christ doesn’t stop at uniting and reconciling us to God. The cross also reconciles and unites us into one body, one group, no matter our social class, our race, our knowledge of God, or our past. Paul reminded the gentiles they were included, no longer separated from God. The gentiles inherited by faith in Christ, the same blessings and promises of the Jews. It would take a miracle (or the blood of Jesus) to unite Jews and Gentiles into one new people group or family. The hostility between these two people groups goes very deep. The blood of Jesus accomplished this miracle!
How do you explain good news without explaining the bad? Paul sets out to remind the church of who they used to be, how bad it was, but how God changed everything through Jesus. Pastor Ryan broke down verses 1-3 to show us what it’s like to live life without Christ. In just two words, “But God,” everything changes!
AFTER THE SERMON-Purpose Resurrected
When something is broken or worn, some people throw it away as if it’s purpose and time has run out. Others can see broken or worn things in a way that they restore or repurpose it. Maybe you’re like Pastor Ryan, he can see the potential, but doesn’t have the craftsmanship to see it through. Even when we can’t see the potential in ourselves, God sees it.
We just celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. The resurrection is good news, because it is victory over sin and death. When we put our faith in the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are revived, resurrected and reborn, spiritually. But why do we need to be reborn or resurrected Spiritually? Because all mankind is dead, spiritually.