Faith in Jesus for salvation is just the beginning. We are saved and made new to become more like Jesus. This journey takes nurture and growth. Use the articles and sermon notes below to help your foundation of faith grow deeper and stronger in God!

Sermon Notes & Articles

After The Sermon Calvary Church After The Sermon Calvary Church

AFTER THE SERMON-Readiness Is Essential

Pastor Ryan wrapped up The Essentials series with the importance of being ready at all times for Jesus to return. Maybe you’ve heard the comments or have said them yourself recently… “It feels like Jesus could come back at any moment now.” Pastor Ryan unpacked the Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids (Virgins). Most scholars drive home two major points

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After The Sermon Calvary Church After The Sermon Calvary Church

AFTER THE SERMON-Jesus Is Essential

Pastor Ryan shared the powerful statement that Jesus gave his disciples in a troubling time, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Jesus was clear, the way to the Father, to God, was through faith in Him. The chaos, confusion, and uncertainty of our nation have us overwhelmed and frustrated. The certainty of Jesus in just one sentence gives us comfort, strength, and clarity in our current world.

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