
Psalms are quite popular right now as we go through the COVID-19 pandemic. Psalms 23, 46, 91 are just a few that offer a perspective of God’s greatness, character, power, protection and provision. In these Psalms we find solidarity, comfort and confidence to face our current world crisis. To store these and many other psalms in our hearts and minds would be beneficial. Praying through a Psalm is a helpful way to read and pray at the same time. Praying through a Psalm simply means to read it, reflect on it and then letting each verse prompt or direct your prayers to God.

We can approach prayer with a variety of focus topics. I use the following focus topics for any scripture in the Bible: 

  1. Praise and acknowledgement of God

  2. Gratitude towards God

  3. Repentance

  4. Personal requests 

  5. Requests for others

Let’s read and pray through Psalm 46 as an example and I hope this helps you practice praying any scripture.

Read Psalm 46 in your favorite translation. 

Now, using the above focus topics, go through the scripture and talk to God. You’ll noticed scripture verse references next to sentences such as (v.5) This means “verse 5” of Psalm 46. 

  1. Praise and acknowledgment of God

    • Heavenly Father, I praise you and acknowledge you as my refuge, strength and always ready help in times of trouble (v. 1). Wherever you are it cannot be destroyed, you are our protector (v.5). Your voice is mighty and can melt the earth (v.6). You are leader over heaven’s armies and you are our fortress (v. 7, 11). You end wards, you break weapons (v. 9). I am in awe, I am still and recognize YOU are GOD, not me (v. 10). 

  2. Gratitude towards God

    • Thank you God for protecting and strengthening me during difficult times. Thank you for always being available to help me, you are not far off (v.1). Thank you for being among us and for being my fortress in all battles, even the ones I don’t see (v. 7, 11). 

  3. Repentance

    • I am sorry I have not come to you first in times of trouble. Forgive me for going to other people or things (v.1). I’ve taken my eyes off of your greatness and have fixed them on my circumstances, I am sorry (v.2). I’ve worried and have lived like you are not close and like you aren’t helping me, but now I turn back to you. I trust in you (v. 1, 7, 11) I’ll cease striving and fighting against your plans for me. I’m sorry I’ve gotten ahead of you, playing god (v.10). 

  4. Personal requests

    • Help calm my anxiety as I turn to you. Give me peace in my heart since you are on the throne. Replace my fear and worry about my family’s finances with peace (v. 1). Protect me from the coronavirus. Destroy and remove the coronavirus from our world (v. 5, 8, 9, 11). 

  5. Requests for others

    • God I pray you would calm the fears and anxiety in our world. Please help all small business owners and those who were laid off (v. 1).  Help our world to see you in the midst of all of this. Help us to see you among us, doing miracles and getting our attention (v. 1, 5, 7). Protect and provide strength for all medical personnel on the front lines, they need you (v. 2, 5, 7, 11). God, continue to humble us if it means it saves us from eternal punishment. God, I pray our world would stop fighting against you. I pray we would surrender, get to our knees and cry out to you. Your word says, “I will be honored by every nation…I will be honored throughout the world” (v. 10).

Thank you, Father for hearing my prayers and I ask all these things, in Jesus name, Amen! 

Now you know one way to pray through scripture. Get a prayer journal, a pen, a Bible and get alone with God! Practice on your own and enjoy!

Written by: Pastor Ryan Coon


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