We trust today’s message encouraged and guided you in your journey of following Jesus. These notes are meant to help you remember and reflect on the message, help you go deeper into study on the subject, or to be used for a sermon group discussion. CLICK HERE to find a discussion group. Enjoy!

Sermon Title: Be Wise & Spirit-Filled

Main Scripture: Ephesians 5:15-20

If you’re going through this discussion with a community group this week consider taking the time to read the provided scripture to catch everyone up!

Check out this overview of the entire book, especially the first chapters of Ephesians to better understand the depth of Ephesians 1 Ephesians Overview


Paul moves from the contrast of light and darkness to those who are wise and those who are fools. Paul is still teaching the church the difference and ways a believer should walk in this world. We learn that the wise believer is careful to live in a manner worthy of being God’s child. We are to be intentional with our days, seeing each day as an opportunity to do God’s will. We are to understand God’s will and purpose so we can live a purpose-filled life. Lastly, rather than be drunk or filled with wine we are to be filled and keep being filled with the Holy Spirit. We learned that the Holy Spirit doesn’t give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control. The result of being and staying filled with the spirit is an overflow of praise, spirit-inspired songs, music in our hearts, and thanksgiving to God. 

Pastor Ryan’s teaching notes:

V. 15 So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. 

  • Paul gives four ways to live wisely:

    1. Care how you live (v. 15) 

    2. Make the most of every opportunity (v.16) 

    3. Understand the will of the Lord (v.17)

    4. Be filled with the Holy Spirit (V. 18) 

  • Verses 14 and 15 are related. Paul appeared to be saying, “Don’t walk in your sleep! Wake up! Open your eyes! Make the most of the day!” It is sad to see many professed Christians “drift” through life, like sleepwalkers, who never really make the most of opportunities to live for Christ and serve Him.” -Wiersbe

  • The wise are careful how they live. 

V. 16 Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.

  • Live wise...make the most of every opportunity. Walking in wisdom means making the best possible use of all circumstances. God opportunities!

  • Christians are in this world but not of it. We live in God’s kingdom, for His will and mission and our earthly lives are tied to it. We see this world differently than those in the dark (5:17-19) and should utilize our days in a way God would want.

  • Paul isn’t saying get your chores done, he’s saying let’s save those in the dark. Christians must seize every chance to turn others from darkness to light. 

How do we make the most of every opportunity?

  • Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest - Ecclesiastes 11:4 

  • Opportunities are all around us. You’ll never get perfect conditions.

  • Unfortunately, there are fears, distractions, and time wasters that are stopping us, not just evil opposition. (When the early church was filled with the Holy Spirit they were no longer afraid, they were bold and courageous!)

  • There’s at least one person in your life that God has for you to share the gospel. Be a disciple-maker who teaches and guides this one person in the faith.

V.17 Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do. 

  • “The most vital thing to be understood is what the will of the Lord is.” “Such knowledge is to be sought more than any other knowledge.” -Tyndale

  • How do we understand the Lord’s will?

  • We discern God’s general will for all of us in scripture. Ex: None should perish but be saved. Love one another and in doing so we love God (1 Jn 4:12-13).

  • We discern God’s specific will for us through scripture, community counsel or wisdom, prayer, circumstances, and direction from the Holy Spirit. 

  • “Too many Christians have the idea that discovering God’s will is a mystical experience that rules out clear thinking. But this idea is wrong and dangerous. We discover the will of God as He transforms the mind (Romans 12:1-2); and this transformation is the result of the Word of God, prayer, meditation, and worship. Learning His will involves gathering facts, examining them, weighing them, and praying for His wisdom (James 1:5).” -Wiersbe  

V. 18 Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit...

  • Thoughts, words, and actions become ineffective and even destructive when drunk. If you look at the previous 3 verses, all of them are impaired when drunk. 

  • Being wise is being filled with the Holy Spirit. “Be filled” is an imperative...meaning it is a command. It is not an optional suggestion. This is a command for all Christians.  It is plural, so it applies to all believers. The present tense rules out any once-for-all reception of the Spirit but points to a continuous replenishment (literally, go on being filled). Keep being filled with the Holy Spirit. We need the constant renewal that sleep gives our bodies, so we need the constant renewal for the body of Christ that comes with the Spirit. 

  • The verb is passive: “Let yourselves be filled with the Spirit.” There should be an openness and obedience to the Holy Spirit that nothing hinders him from filling us. 

  • Paul is saying keep being filled because they had received the Spirit at salvation (Romans 8; Ephesians 1:13), been baptized in the Spirit, but he wanted them to continue being full of the Spirit (Versus drunk on wine). 

How do we be filled and keep being filled with the Holy Spirit? 

  • Hunger. Expectancy. Continually seek the Holy Spirit, not the experience. (It’s hard to be hungry for more of God when we’re full of this world.) 

  • Ask. Praise. Wait on God’s timing.. 

What comes with the Holy Spirit is what we need right now! 

  • For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control. - 2 Timothy 1:7 

  • But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you. -John 14:26 (AMP)

  • We are vessels that can be full of this world or full of God. God wants to pour His Spirit into us, but we have to hunger and want Him.

V. 19-20

  • Psalms, the Psalms of the OT. Hymns were in pagan circles sung to eulogize some god or cultic hero. Christian hymns exalted the name of Christ. Spiritual songs are spontaneous songs in the Spirit. Christians sang songs that were “confessions of faith concerning the person of God and the truth of the gospel.”

  • Corporate worship is a very powerful moment together. As we worship and declare the name of Christ, the character, wonders, and power of God we are first and foremost glorifying God in our lives. We also affirm and reinforce these truths to one another as we sing. We need to hear each other say these truths. We need the body of Christ to sing and speak praises to God, it edifies and builds us up. We hear a lot of garbage that tears us down all week and sometimes it’s directed right at us. When I hear you all sing songs to God, even spiritual songs it can be praise I need to hear! 

Acts 2:1-18 Correlation The church in Acts 2 lived Eph 5:15-20!


  • Walking in wisdom means making the best possible use of all circumstances.

  • Paul isn’t saying get your chores done, he’s saying let’s save those in the dark. Christians must seize every chance to turn others from darkness to light. 

  • Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest - Ecclesiastes 11:4 

  • Opportunities are all around us. You’ll never get perfect conditions.

  • It’s hard to be hungry for more of God when we’re full of this world.

  • We are vessels that can be full of this world or full of God. God wants to pour His Spirit into us, but we have to hunger and want Him.

  • “Let yourselves be filled with the Spirit.” There should be an openness and obedience to the Holy Spirit that nothing hinders him from filling us. 

  • We also affirm and reinforce these truths to one another as we sing. We need to hear each other say these truths. We need the body of Christ to sing and speak praises to God, it edifies and builds us up. We hear a lot of garbage that tears us down all week and sometimes it’s directed right at us. When I hear you all sing songs to God, even spiritual songs it can be praise I need to hear! 


  • What was one big takeaway for you from today’s message?

  • What something new you learned, today?

  • What scripture verse stuck out to you and why?

  • What did you sense the Holy Spirit was saying to you during this message?

  • According to our scripture, how do the wise live in this world?

  • Why would we want to be filled with the Holy Spirit versus this world (including drunk on wine)? What comes with the Holy Spirit?

  • What God opportunities have been around you that you need to seize?

  • How will you make the most of that opportunity? What can you do to share the love of God?

The most important decision you will ever make!

Are you ready to experience salvation and be transformed we encourage you to say a simple prayer like this from your heart: Dear God, I see my sin and how wrong it is. I see how without Jesus I’m lost. I believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Thank you for saving me from my sin, my past, this world, and your judgment. I repent, I turn away from that life and I put my faith and life in Jesus! Amen!

We would love to know if you made the decision to accept this wonderful gift from God. Let us know!

Pray Together

We hoped you found this AFTER THE SERMON discussion helpful for your walk with Jesus. We pray you can find ways to apply it this week!


