We trust today’s message encouraged and guided you in your journey of following Jesus. These notes are meant to help you remember and reflect on the message, help you go deeper into study on the subject, or be used for a sermon group discussion.


Main Scripture: Genesis 1:26-28; Genesis 2:18-24

If you’re going through this discussion with a community group this week consider taking the time to read the provided scripture to catch everyone up!


Pastor Ryan begins our new series Family Blueprints sharing why a Godly family is so important and God’s original design and purpose for the family. Our world is hurting and much of it is because we are so far removed from the Godly design of the family. The family is the essential building block of every society, so if the family is healthy and Godly then so will the church, the community, and the world. We have much work to do but it doesn’t start by pointing fingers as much as looking in the mirror. Buckle up, it’s going to be a powerful series on family, seeking a Godly spouse, having a Godly marriage, nurturing a Godly family and helping the world see our awesome God!

Genesis 1:26-28 NLT

  • “GOD’S purpose in the creation of man was to make known to the universe His own unseen glory and perfection. Man was not only to have single points of resemblance to God, but in all he was and did upon earth, he was also to prove that he was indeed created in God’s image and after His likeness. -Andrew Murray How to Raise Children for Christ.

  • We are image bearers of God, created to embody and resemble God’s characteristics such as faithfulness, devotion, love, and truth. 

  • Created to reflect we too were to rule and care for all creation, just as God does.

Genesis 2:18-24 NLT

  • After God placed Adam in the garden he saw it was not good for him to be alone. 

  • God is a Triune God, One God in three persons, the Trinity. This means God is a relational being and that’s why we are too. This is why it wasn’t good for Adam to be alone. 

  • None of the animals were suitable companions so God made a suitable helper from Adam’s side, a woman, who would later be called, “Eve.” 

  • The first man and woman came together in marriage to form a fellowship that would fulfill the vision of God’s creation and reflects the relational God who made us. 

  • Marriage is between a man and a woman. The man and the woman would leave the authority of their parents and cleave to each other, becoming one flesh. (Leave, cleave, and weave). 

  • God’s unique design of male and female, man and woman, united in marriage made His vision for fruitfulness and multiplication possible. Anything different than God’s design and humanity would cease to exist, let alone multiply.

  • The gift of sexual reproduction between a married man and woman (Husband and wife) fulfills the command to be fruitful and multiply. The womb of a pregnant woman is undoubtedly a work of art from the mind and hands of God. I’m still speechless when I consider what takes place in the womb in a matter of months. 

  • After 9 months, a family is born. The same charge to care for God’s creation of plants and animals includes the care for human life. There being no source of food for a newborn on earth, the woman, the wife, now mother, has become the source of nutrition for her child, something a man cannot provide. Once again, the woman, the female, the wife, and the mother is essential to God’s vision for society. (Mothers, you truly are incredible!)

  • Parenting. The parents hold, nurture, protect, feed, love, and care for the child. The child grows up in this environment of one flesh, one couple, and one team who give their all to this child. 

  • Before there was a church there was the family and it was the responsibility of Godly parents to raise a Godly family. It is in these homes where the faith and trust in God, the love of God, and the truth of God would be transferred and passed down. Godly homes would follow God’s laws to formulate the principles and convictions each child lived by.

  • The family…is God’s basic building block, with which he builds nations, governments, churches, business enterprises, charitable institutions, etc. The centrality of the family lies in its unique nature and function. Nothing can replace it. In his infinite wisdom, God created the family; it is not a man-made institution.15 Anyone who ignores, bypasses, or tries to reconstruct it rejects God’s plan, and those who try to replace it will fail. To fight the family is to do battle against God himself, and rebellion against God always leads to death16—for cultures as well as individuals.17 Whole cultures perish when they ignore or tamper with God’s design for life.” -Scipione, George C.. The Battle for the Biblical Family (p. 20). Crown & Covenant Publications.

The Purpose of Godly Families

  • God’s word defines the family, as well as declaring its purpose. The family is a man and a woman in lifelong, covenantal companionship serving God by taking dominion over creation. Under his guidance and in fellowship with him, they seek to be fruitful, to fill the earth, to subdue it, and to rule over it to God’s glory. -Scipione, George C.. The Battle for the Biblical Family (p. 21). Crown & Covenant Publications. Kindle Edition. 

  • “In the home on earth, the love of husband and wife or parent and child was to reflect the love and the blessedness of the Father’s home in heaven.” Murray, Andrew. How to Raise Children for Christ

  • Simply put: We are meant to be in fellowship with God so we can be a Godly person, in a Godly marriage, raising a Godly family to bring forth God into our world.

  • The vision God had was more than about us and our own pleasure or enjoyment. The vision for marriage and the family was for God’s intended creation to build and expand His Kingdom on earth. 

  • !!This vision for God’s original design for the family shapes how we view and enter relationships, who we marry, how to live in marriage, the sacredness of sex, having children, and how we raise them. Getting back to this blueprint means we shouldn't look at these things lightly or unadvisedly but with careful and fearful respect for God’s intended purposes. 

The Need For Godly Families

“...Taking into account the broad experience of our Federation in dealing with families worldwide, we see every day that family is where the vast majority of people learn the fundamental skills for life, and other institutions confirm it. At the most fundamental level, family structure and family process matters: evidence shows that outcomes for both children and adults are not equal regardless of family background, and public policy should reflect this. Children growing up in healthy, married, two-parent families are more likely to lead happy, healthy and successful lives than those who have not experienced the same level of family security and stability.

Those who build stable families have a higher life expectancy, lower risks of mental illness, alcoholism and domestic violence. The children show lower infant mortality rate, lower risk drug addiction, and lower incidences of engaging in criminal activities after puberty, higher academic achievements, lower incidence of mental illnesses and fewer teenage unwanted pregnancies. A stable family is the lowest cost option for both its members and the State. Furthermore, members of stable families are more disciplined when it comes to fulfilling legal and social norms, contributing towards financing social security. Families need to be helped if they are to fulfill their irreplaceable social role…” -International Federation for Family Development (IFFD)


  • The necessity of a Godly family. The world doesn’t hold to the conviction that God’s design for family is essential to the well-being and peace of our society. Our nation is pushing God out of the issues in our world, using man-made remedies and bandaids that won’t stop the gaping wounds in our families, homes, and communities. It’s going to take the church, pastors, and the church body to lead by example, putting God back into the center of our homes and fighting for Godly family values in our states. 

  • God didn’t make a mistake. His design for the family is flawless, but our execution and stewardship are unfortunately not flawless. God's love, salvation, truth, and the way to eternal life are spreading and will spread through His people, His church, which is made up of Godly families. For every Godly family, there is one less evil influence to hurt our world. For every Godly father and Godly mother, there are generations of Godliness that will spread. When we sow righteousness we harvest righteousness for generations! 

  • With the increase of divorce, infidelity, and single parenting the task ahead is not easy but God fills in the gaps! God is faithful to supply the provision, strength, and grace needed to raise Godly kids who will live like sons and daughters of their heavenly father. God will help us demonstrate Kingdom citizenship and Kingdom of God values in a dark world void of Godly principles. 

  • Let us learn together what God meant for Godly homes, Godly relationships, Godly Marriages, Godly parenting, Godly children, and Godly churches. 

  • Let’s fight for what God intended, starting in our own hearts, our own relationship with God. If married, let’s fight for Godly marriages. If we have children or grandchildren, let’s fight for what God wants in our families. We must start by getting back to knowing and loving God. Put your trust in God’s Word. Obey and follow His plan and wisdom. 


  • What did God use in this sermon to speak to your heart or situation?

  • What was the purpose of God creating man, woman, and a family?

  • Why do you think God chose a family to be responsible for building His kingdom and glory on earth?

  • What are the obvious signs that we have gotten away from God’s original design for the family?

  • How can we as Christians be better examples in our own families?

  • What other notes did you write down that you would like to share?

The most important decision you will ever make!

Are you ready to experience salvation and be transformed? We encourage you to process this decision with a strong believer and when you’re ready say a simple prayer like this from your heart: Dear God, I acknowledge and admit I have sinned. I see my need for Jesus Christ. I believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I believe I am forgiven and cleansed of my sin by His death. I also believe I have eternal life because of His resurrection from the dead. I repent, I turn away from my old ways and I choose to live my life to worship you and follow Jesus, amen!

We would love to know if you made the decision to accept this wonderful gift from God. Let us know here.

Pray Together

We hoped you found this AFTER THE SERMON discussion helpful for your walk with Jesus. We pray you can find ways to apply it this week!


