We trust today’s message encouraged and guided you in your journey of following Jesus. These notes are meant to help you remember and reflect on the message, help you go deeper into study on the subject, or be used for a sermon group discussion.


Main Scripture: Judges 6 & 7

If you’re going through this discussion with a community group this week consider taking the time to read the provided scripture to catch everyone up!


Pastor Ryan was back in the pulpit to continue our By Faith series and this time we learned about the reluctant warrior, Gideon. Sometimes stepping forward in faith and obedience takes some confirmation, or in Gideon’s case, 4 confirmations!! Nevertheless, Gideon did offer God the strength He had and God took care of the rest. Once again, God is the hero and wins the battle for His people. We learned a lot of lessons from this story of faith. God is looking for UNDIVIDED LOYALTY and before we go forward to obey our task we may need to clean up our own hearts. God loves to use UNLIKELY VESSELS to accomplish His work on earth. God has the answer for your apparent weaknesses or insecurities...If we put our faith in God as we prepare and obey, God will fill in the gaps with His UNCOMMON POWER. The power of God is Uncommon to man, it’s unique. You can’t buy it and you can’t work for it, you can only receive the power by faith. Simply put, when God asks you to do something, He will put forth the power, we put forth the faith! This is why when the battle is over the UNDENIABLE CREDIT goes to God. There’s no way we could overcome or do God’s will without God’s help and He deserves all the glory!


INTRO If you don’t feel you can contribute to God’s work on earth…If you feel insecure about your abilities…If you need to overly prepare and have everything perfect…If you need extra confirmation to step out with faith and do God’s work then you’ll relate to Gideon’s story today. We’re going to see that God puts forth the power and we put forth faith.      


  • After Joshua died, the people didn’t continue to drive out the remaining nations in Canaan that God commanded them to drive out. God’s people were satisfied with partial success. Because of this, the surrounding nation’s worship of false gods and idols influenced the Israelites. They began to worship idols and false gods, upsetting God. As a result, God delivered His people into the hands of Gentile oppressors to humble His people. There was no King so God appointed judges who were more like military leaders rather than jurists to execute God’s judgment on their oppressors.  

  • Gideon was one of those judges called and appointed by God. He’s been dubbed “the reluctant warrior,” because he was slow to believe and needed extra confirmation from God to encourage his faith in God. 


  1. The condition of Israel 6:1-10

    1. God permitted the Midianites to devastate the Israelites because of their disobedience and idol worship. 

    2. V. 6 This humbled them to the point of crying out to the one true God who could actually help. God can hear our cries but before he fully intervenes there is some cleansing work to be done. 

    3. The unknown prophet reveals why this is happening.  

  2. The call of Gideon 6:11-16

    1. “Mighty hero, the Lord is with you!” God’s “ICNU” what you don’t see in yourself encouragement!

    2. Notice Gideon’s perspective is that the Lord abandoned them, not they abandoned God…Oh, how human nature hasn’t changed. We ask where is God’s love and help and God is asking “Where are your love and obedience?” 

    3. “Go with the strength you have.” That’s all God wants, he’ll do the rest.

    4. Gideon questions God’s clan choice because the Midianites were numerous and his clan was the weakest. 

    5. God reassures Gideon with a powerful statement in verse 16! But Gideon needed confirmation that this was truly the Lord…

  3. Confirmation the Lord is speaking 6:17-24

    1. God consumed it all and confirmed it was Him. 

    2. Gideon knew that no one can see the Lord and live but God showed Him peace and mercy. This is why Gideon called God Yahweh-Shalom.  

  4. The cleansing of Gideon’s clan 6:25-32

    1. Baal: The primary god of the Canaanites. As the storm god and bringer of rain, Baal was recognized as sustaining the fertility of crops, animals, and people. -The Lexham Bible Dictionary. Lexham Press.

    2. Asherah Pole: The name used for both a Canaanite fertility goddess and the wooden pole that symbolized her. Most occurrences of “asherah” in the Bible refer to a sacred pole or tree used in Canaanite and Israelite worship -The Lexham Bible Dictionary. Lexham Press.

    3. Gideon had two enemies to face, the Midianites (physical) and the worship of false gods and idols (spiritual). 

    4. They were in this mess in the first place because of this idolatry. To correct this idolatry is to align yourself with God and not the world that comes against Him or His people. 

    5. Gideon’s true weakness wasn’t the size of the clan but the sin of the clan. God never said to “hit the gym, train, or get a massive army.” God simply called Gideon to worship and trust in Him again. 

    6. *Think about this, if your clan is worshiping other gods who never show up to help then you could learn to believe or project that Yahweh won’t show up and help. People and things we depend on and trust in never help so we think God won’t. 

    7. Sin weakens and compromises our ability to hear, believe, and obey God.

    8. Gideon demonstrated his repentance by obeying and tearing down the altar dedicated to Baal and the Asherah pole. He removed the sin and then properly built an altar and gave a sacrifice unto God. 

    9. Our warfare is only as strong as our worship. Our work for God is only as good as our allegiance and reliance on Him. God fights alongside those who aren’t rebelling against Him. 

  5. The Spirit of the Lord and Gideon's fleece for assurance 6:33-40

    1. When the Holy Spirit came upon Gideon, He provided him with divine enablement for the task. This is the same for us today! 

    2. Gideon isn’t looking to the fleece for guidance but for confirmation. 

    3. “God condescended to a man of weak faith to assure him of victory. God can, and does, give such assurances today in answer to prayer.” Believers Bible Commentary. 

    4. Please note the patience of God here. God will only be so patient and in this story, God was VERY generous with His patience. 

  6. The reduction of troops 7:1-8

    1. “You have too many men.”

    2. Verse 2 tells us why God trimmed down the army.

    3. We typically take glory from God when we get the chance. 

    4. God must have an incredible miracle up His sleeve because the Midianite army of 135,000 versus 300 warriors doesn’t seem ideal. 

    5. There’s a trend in all these stories of faith. God uses the weak and unexpected “So all may know it was God…” 1 Sam. 17:47 All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”

    6. Our strength does not depend on numbers when God is on our side.

  1. God's assurance from a dream 7:9-15

    1. The generosity of God to reassure Gideon after reducing his army to 300 is praiseworthy! God is so good. 

    2. In this dream, barley bread represents the Israelites toppling the enemy.

    3. Gideon bows in immediate worship to God, relieved to once again learn God goes before them in this battle. 

  2. Gideon defeats the Midianites 7:16-22

    1. Gideon is ready and God gives them victory. 

    2. Notice the clay pots and torches in Gideon's hands. Did you know that we are mentioned in the Bible as clay jars and that the Spirit of God is likened to fire? If we will be humble vessels in God's hands, filled with the Holy Spirit, we will be more than conquerors through Christ!


The Need and Call for Our Context today
Undivided loyalty 

  • The world is influencing the church but we need to be influencing the world

  • How can I help the church stay strong and faithful? How can I help reach the lost?

  • The sin we have to overcome is the distractions the devil has used in this world to weaken the church from active discipleship and reaching the lost. 

  • If you take your eyes off of God you take your eyes off the power. 

  • Gideon had a low view of his ability because He had a low view of God. 

  • It’s harder to hear, trust and obey God when your loyalty is divided or you simply don’t know the God of the Bible

Unlikely Vessels

  • 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 NLT

  • The weakest of everything. The weakest clan. Barley bread, the food of the poor. Outnumbered already and then reduced to 300 men. The weakest of weapons: clay jars, torches, and war cries.

  • If we hold a view from a human perspective rather than a divine perspective, (what God can do), we will limit ourselves and others.  

  • When we see the kingdom work that needs to be done and then look in the mirror, we tend to immediately disqualify ourselves. The problem is we look in the mirror instead of in the Word and at God. God took dust and made us, God can take us and make us warrior disciples for Him. 

  • Keep your faith vision. Remember God doesn't look at what man looks at. God looks at the heart. Let us be careful not to judge on outward appearance, talent, or charisma. God uses any vessel any person who puts their faith in God and relies on the Holy Spirit for power to serve in God's work!

Uncommon Power

  • The power we need is divine and unique. We can’t find this in the store, buy it, or earn it. God gives His power and help by faith and to those who make themselves available and faithful. 

  • God requires faith, not power or expertise. The temptation is to do everything you can to prepare. We can over-prepare and practice but in the process neglect the Holy Spirit who is the power and presence we need.  We have to leave room for God. God isn't going to use someone who wants to do everything perfectly and on their own power, because the glory won’t go to Him. 

  • When we step out in faith the Spirit comes upon us. God isn’t going to pull your arm. Once you Go for God, God’s Spirit shows up as you need Him. 

  • God’s Spirit fills in the gaps and weaknesses we have. 

Undeniable credit

  • God is the hero in this story. He gets the glory in our story. God patiently developed Gideon’s faith. God won the battle with unlikely vessels. Be careful to give God all the glory for your victories and blessings!


  • A.W. Tozer said, “God is looking for people through whom He can do the impossible. What a pity we plan to do the things we can only do by ourselves.”

  • “Go with the strength you have…” You may not have much strength to offer. Give God what you have and the Holy Spirit will fill in the rest. 


  • What did God use in this sermon to speak directly to you?

  • How do we relate to Gideon, today?

  • What hinders us from believing and obeying God’s commands?

  • What are some reasons God wants us to simply give Him what we have?

  • What are some characteristics God reveals about Himself through this encounter?

  • In what way has this sermon challenged you to change?

  • What other notes did you write down that you would like to share?

The most important decision you will ever make!

Are you ready to experience salvation and be transformed? We encourage you to process this decision with a strong believer and when you’re ready say a simple prayer like this from your heart: Dear God, I acknowledge and admit I have sinned. I see my need for Jesus Christ. I believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I believe I am forgiven and cleansed of my sin by His death. I also believe I have eternal life because of His resurrection from the dead. I repent, I turn away from my old ways and I choose to live my life to worship you and follow Jesus, amen!

We would love to know if you made the decision to accept this wonderful gift from God. Let us know here.

Pray Together

We hoped you found this AFTER THE SERMON discussion helpful for your walk with Jesus. We pray you can find ways to apply it this week!


