We trust today’s message encouraged and guided you in your journey of following Jesus. These notes are meant to help you remember and reflect on the message, help you go deeper into study on the subject, or be used for a sermon group discussion.


Main Scripture: Hebrews 11:8-10; Genesis 12:1-9

If you’re going through this discussion with a community group this week consider taking the time to read the provided scripture to catch everyone up!


God calls people to do His will and work on earth. The plan to preserve human civilization required Noah and the plan to repopulate and redeem the world from sin would be through Abraham. When God calls we either trust and obey or we walk the other way. Abraham chose to answer the call and that takes faith. Maybe you have been sensing a call from God. Or maybe you know the call of God in scripture for all of us to make disciples but you’ve struggled to step out and answer the call. Pastor Ryan takes the time through our scripture to build our faith and see that answering the call is being involved in God’s redemption of mankind.


Hebrews 11:8-10

  • The author of Hebrews does not go into detail about Abraham and Sarah’s faith or the promise given to them, telling us the audience is aware of Abraham and Sarah’s story. 

  • We need more context because God had a purpose and wasn’t asking Abraham to leave everything and aimlessly go somewhere. 

  • When God calls us to step out there is always a greater purpose. 

Context: Genesis 12:1-9

V. 1 The Call 

  • Leave what you know and are familiar with, your home, your country, your family, and your relatives for new land and new life.

V. 2-3 The Promises of God

  • The call of God is always accompanied by a promise from God. 

  • A land, a great nation, a great name, God’s help, and a blessing to all people. 

  • This promise is a covenant. A covenant must be kept on both sides and God never breaks His promise. Abram keeps his side of the covenant by faith and obedience. 

V. 4-6 Abraham believed and obeyed

  • Hebrews 11:8-10 

    • V. 8: He had faith to leave everything he knew for a whole new life. Abraham had Faith to follow God’s Will.

    • V. 9 He had faith to stay and remain in God’s will. He never went back to his old home and he easily could have.

    • V. 10; 13-16 He kept his faith in the world to come. Faith looks heavenward.  

  • Why the land of Canaan? Why someone else’s land? 

  • The promise of becoming a great nation needed fertile land and Canaan was known for its abundant resources. The phrase “The land flowing with milk and honey” was used to describe Canaan. 

  • The land belonged to God, inhabited by multiple people groups like the Amorites, Amalekites, and Canaanites but they were going to lose it because of their wickedness (Gen. 15:16). 

  • Canaan was the physical promised land and represented the future inheritance of eternal life with God in the new heavens and new earth. It was a type of heaven, foreshadowing the beauty and abundance of eternal life with God. 

  • Canaan is the stage of where all the drama would happen for Christ to come and redeem us. God’s plan was for Jesus to be born from Abraham’s lineage in the Canaanite town of Bethlehem. 

  • God’s promise that all people would be blessed through Abraham has been fulfilled through Christ and continues today. 

V. 7-9 God makes Himself known more. Abraham worships God (Growing relationship). 

  • God appears to Abraham and clarifies the land He was standing on belongs to him.

  • Abraham’s response is a sacrifice of praise and worship. 

  • You can see this journey has strengthened the faith of Abraham and his bond with God

Application: How can we apply these lessons to us today? 

The Christian life

  • Salvation is leaving everything that was familiar for a new life. 

    • When we come to Christ for salvation we are repenting, turning away from our previous sinful life to follow Jesus, God’s Word, and the Holy Spirit’s leading. This means leaving what was familiar for something very new. We give up what became habits and normal in our lives to learn a new walk and way of life. This takes faith in God and confidence in Him that you gained more than you lost. 

    • I’ve heard it often from people’s testimonies that many things change such as what music they listen to, what they do in their free time, who they hang out with, and the places they visit. New desires come in like a hunger for knowing God, a different attitude toward others, and a fading desire for sinful things.

    • It won’t take long before your circle of friends notices you’re living differently and not everyone will like it. 

    • Be ready for something similar to the words of 1 Peter 4:1-5.

  • We live like this is not our home.

    • We are pilgrims passing through looking forward to the world to come. 

    • Like many heroes of the faith before us, we too keep our eyes heavenward, guarding our hearts against being seduced by the comfort and pleasures of this world.

    • 1 Peter 2:11-12; Colossians 3:1-11

The Call Into Ministry

  • Abraham’s faith in this story is often associated with God’s calling to full-time ministry.

  • Maybe God has been stirring in some of you to be in full-time ministry. This is something you definitely don’t take lightly and keep in fervent prayer. 

  • Abraham’s story looks very much like the life of a missionary, church planter, or pastor. Those called into ministry will literally leave their hometown, family, and everything they’ve known for a new calling to spread and preach the gospel. 

  • Many pastors have come from other careers in the corporate world, even professional sports. Or like me, I was called at a young age and gave up any other dream for this calling to serve God and people. Ministry became my dream.

  • It’s the first “yes, I’ll go, I’ll follow you” and every “Yes” after, that births a minister of the gospel. 

The Call to Make Disciples 

  • (This would be the third week the Holy Spirit has led me to mention this.)

  • Maybe you have never seen yourself be a disciple maker, meaning someone who leads others to the Lord and then teaches them how to obey and follow Jesus, even baptizing them as well (show pictures). 

  • All of us are called to minister by loving and sharing our faith in Christ with others. This could be done in many ways such as one-on-one, in Bible studies, in small groups, or being involved in a ministry. 

  • This may be very unfamiliar to you but God equips all believers for life and Godliness. 

  • 2 Peter 1:3-8 NLT

God’s promise includes you. 

  • We are heirs and benefactors of the promise made to Abraham and being fulfilled in Christ. Our salvation from sin, from future judgment, and our inheritance of the new heavens and new earth, are all ours through faith in Christ. All who put their faith in Christ receive the righteousness of Christ. 

  • God appeared and reassured Abraham of His promise many times. Jesus accomplished His work and then sent his Spirit to give us assurance (Romans 5:5; Romans 8:14-16; Eph. 1:13-14). We also have the Will of God written and recorded to renew and remind us of God’s faithful promise. 

  • Do not be afraid to trust in Jesus for salvation and leave the life of sin that has made you a slave to it. Do not be afraid to follow Jesus over this world, there is nothing here for us. Do not be afraid to lose what came with your old life, God is leading you to a new circle, a new way of living, and will supply all your needs. Do not be afraid to be a disciple who makes disciples. God has given you everything you need for life and godliness.

  • Do what God is calling you to do. By Faith, we answer the call!

Takeaways from Abraham’s example: 

  • Faith in God is sacrificial. The call of God will always require us to leave something behind. 

  • God will call us out of our comfort zones to accomplish His work. 

  • To trust and obey means you have faith that God has a plan.

  • It takes just as much faith to stay as it does to go. 

  • Faith in God is a journey that brings you closer to Him. 

  • God makes himself known in the unknown. Going into the unknown and unfamiliar pushes you to seek and know God more. 

  • We don’t have to know all the details if we know God is with us.  

Pray for those struggling to let go of the world, for those feeling a stir for ministry, and for disciple-makers who need the courage to begin.


  • What stands out to you about Abraham’s faith?

  • Like Noah’s story, Abraham was also commended for obeying God. Why was this also a big step of faith for Abraham?

  • What did Pastor Ryan mean when he said, “It takes just as much faith to stay as it does to go?”

  • What has God called all of us to do and what’s stopping us? Is there anything specific that God is calling you to do that you need encouragement and faith to answer?

  • What notes did you write down or what did you take away from this message?

The most important decision you will ever make!

Are you ready to experience salvation and be transformed? We encourage you to process this decision with a strong believer and when you’re ready say a simple prayer like this from your heart: Dear God, I acknowledge and admit I have sinned. I see my need for Jesus Christ. I believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I believe I am forgiven and cleansed of my sin by His death. I also believe I have eternal life because of His resurrection from the dead. I repent, I turn away from my old ways and I choose to live my life to worship you and follow Jesus, amen!

We would love to know if you made the decision to accept this wonderful gift from God. Let us know here.

Pray Together

We hoped you found this AFTER THE SERMON discussion helpful for your walk with Jesus. We pray you can find ways to apply it this week!


