We trust today’s message encouraged and guided you in your journey of following Jesus. These notes are meant to help you remember and reflect on the message, help you go deeper into study on the subject, or be used for a sermon group discussion. CLICK HERE to find a discussion group. Enjoy!

Sermon Title: Evangelizing with God

Main Scripture: Acts 8:26-40

If you’re going through this discussion with a community group this week consider taking the time to read the provided scripture to catch everyone up!


In our sermon and scripture today, Pastor Ryan showed us a great example of evangelizing with God. Maybe we don’t always think that God is with us or has done work behind the scenes but He has because God is on mission too. We learned through the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch that God is involved and preparing hearts. We play an important role too. We are entrusted with the task of speaking and sharing about the good news of Jesus. The listener also plays an important role of hearing and hopefully putting their trust in Christ. We also see the critical role the Bible plays in our evangelism efforts. This story depicts a beautiful symphony of God, His Word, His servant (Philip) and the lost sheep all working together for salvation to take and essentially move into North Africa (Ethiopia -Modern day Sudan).


Context: Steven was stoned to death in Jerusalem for preaching the gospel and severe persecution drove the believers to spread into other cities and towns. Those who scattered preached and shared the Word everywhere they went. While Philip preached the gospel, signs, healings and evil spirits were cast out of people. This is when and where Simon the sorcerer came to believe in Christ. The work of God was so great that Apostles, Peter and John, went down to Samaria. They had found that the believers had not yet been baptized in the Holy Spirit and so they prayed for them to receive and the people did.  This was a great work in this city of Samaria. This was a successful awakening and revival where you would think God would keep Philip there to continue the work but perhaps since the Apostles were there it wasn’t necessary. Or maybe God’s heart for the gentiles and to reach the end of the earth was just getting started and God had been working on an Ethiopian man who was on the brink of conversion. We pick up where God leads Philip to leave the “99 to reach the one.” 

Scripture Study Notes: 

V. 26

  • Luke has been led by the Spirit to include this in the book of Acts to show us the fulfillment of Christ’ prophetic word that they would be witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). 

V. 27-28

  • Who is this Ethiopian Eunuch? This Eunuch served under the authority of the Ethiopian Kandake, the queen of Ethiopia. This is not the same Ethiopia of today, he would be from modern day Sudan, the northeastern part of Africa.  He’s a God-fearing gentile. His genuineness is revealed in the fact that he made a significant journey to Jerusalem to worship. He also had in his possession the book of Isaiah the prophet, showing his love for God of the Israelites, but also his wealth (Including riding essentially a chariot or carriage). 

V. 29-31

  • Luke carefully shows us how this encounter took place and it involved the work of God, His Word, Philip and the Eunuch. 

  • God: The angel directing to go south. 

  • God has ordained that His truth is communicated not by Bible reading alone, but by Bible reading in the community of the church, where we can help one another understand.

  • This is a beautiful symphony of God’s sovereign work through a willing and cooperative disciple who meets a man primed by God’s Word and grace to hear the gospel. This is happening more than we know. 

V. 34-35

  • The eunuch doesn’t ask for a general explanation but specifically who the scriptures were talking about. Philip, knowing the word and Christ knew it was referring to Jesus and shared the gospel with him. 

  • The Lord is having mercy on a man whose nationality and sexual impotence might have made him think the God of Israel would never care about him. And not only that, the Lord is orchestrating the evangelization of Ethiopia. We can't know for sure, but Irenaeus wrote in the second century that this Ethiopian became a missionary among his people (Against Heresies iii.12.8; cf. Psalm 68:31; 87:4)

  • Jesus is at the center of this scripture and the whole Bible. Philip simply connects the dot for this man. 

V. 36-38

  • The Eunuch wanting to be water baptized is a major sign of true salvation and change of heart. At some point this must have been explained by Philip or he had previous knowledge of water baptism from his journeys. 

V. 39-40

  • Look at the evidence of this genuine conversion. Desired to be water baptized and went on his way rejoicing. 

  • Traditionally, teleportation has been the view here. Some say it wasn’t. I believe it was. Either way, Luke doesn’t attempt to make a case for teleportation or not, that isn’t the point here. I would say that this would be a miraculous sign that would further cement this Ethiopians faith. Not to mention, signs and wonders did follow Philip earlier in Samaria, so why not teleportation? 

  • Philip appeared in Ashdod, which was just over 20 miles north of Gaza. We don’t hear anything about Philip’s life until Acts 21:8-9 where he made a life and family in Caesarea. He had four daughters who had the gift of prophecy. 

Application for today:

God evangelizes with us

  • God is preparing, convicting and convincing hearts of their need for Christ. 

  • God is directing steps and sending people to where and whom they need to go. 

  • We don't usually know who we are going to encounter or what we will encounter when the Holy Spirit leads us but we can trust that the Holy Spirit has and is working. 

  • Getting people to the point of conversion isn't something you can control or force. Philip didn't have to do much because God primed this man. (He wouldn’t have known if he didn’t go).


Sharing the gospel has been entrusted to people not angels 

  • Philip didn’t ask why or for details, he just obeyed out of faith.

  • Philip was about the “Go” in Go make disciples. He was obedient to the call (Matt. 28:18-20). 

  • If we revere Christ as Lord in our hearts, we’ll Go where He sends us.

We don’t have to wait for divine direction

  • We have already been commanded to go share the good news of Jesus, locally and globally. We should evangelize even without angels and direction from the Spirit. We can also make the mistake of evangelizing without seeking God's direction and help as well.

  • We should pray and be listening to the Holy Spirit for direction that we could have never planned or thought up ourselves. 

  • This is one example where God initiates an evangelism encounter and then there are those we initiate and God works in the midst of both. 

  • Be ready and willing to move with God and be praying and planning to move by faith that God will show up when you step out. 

  • How do you know it's the leading of the Holy Spirit? There is an inward confidence and assurance to go forth. It doesn’t mean you’re not a little afraid or hesitant. We have to stop overthinking most of the time, silence all the what ifs, and remember that God is working behind the scenes. 

It’s vital that we know the Word of God

  • I know this one point has stopped people from feeling like they can evangelize but it is important even if you’re not evangelizing. Our knowledge of God and His word greatly enhances our relationship with Him and our ability to share Christ with others. 

  • When we know the Word of God we know the important message of the gospel of Jesus. 

  • The Eunuch didn’t ask for a sermon or a theological lecture. The Eunuch asked a simple question, who is this scripture talking about? 

  • People are going to have questions that we too can correctly answer. 

  • Give a New Testament Bible away to whoever God leads you to and give contact information with an invitation to ask any questions they may have. 

Minister where people are

  • We see the importance of meeting and connecting where the person is…God used scripture to spark the conversation but we can connect people to the hope and goodness of God when we encounter people going through difficult circumstances. Ultimately, we want to do what Philip did and that’s connect the dot to Jesus. But it can take more time, steps, and ongoing care to connect people to the good news of Jesus.

The results are between God and the listener

  • The listener also has an important role in evangelism. We pray the listener will have an open, humble and repentant heart. We pray the listener will believe in Christ and will show it by conforming their life to the way and life of Christ. 

This Ethiopian Eunuch was not an outcast to God. This man was not overlooked and left to the margins of society. God’s love reaches to the edges of the world, from east to west, and north to south. God is getting His message of Christ out to the world. God is preparing hearts, priming people to hear the good news. The harvest of souls in this community is ready. The opportunities are before us on a silver platter, if you will. We only miss them because we are not willing to Go, or do not Go under the direction of the Holy Spirit. I pray we will see that we do not evangelize alone, whether God initiates or we do. He promised us in Matthew 28 “I will be with you until the end of the age.” Those who are willing to Go with God on mission, locally or globally, will experience the adventure and joy of seeing the Gospel save lives for eternity. 


  • What stuck out to you in our scripture?

  • What appears to be God’s role in evangelism according to Acts 8:26-40

  • Why is the Word of God so important to evangelism?

  • What’s our role in evangelism according to Acts 8:26-40?

  • Overall, what stuck out to you from this sermon?

  • How can we apply this sermon this week?

The most important decision you will ever make!

Are you ready to experience salvation and be transformed? We encourage you to process this decision with a strong believer and when you’re ready say a simple prayer like this from your heart: Dear God, I acknowledge and admit I have sinned. I see my need for Jesus Christ. I believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I believe I am forgiven and cleansed of my sin by His death. I also believe I have eternal life because of His resurrection from the dead. I repent, I turn away from my old ways and I choose to live my life to worship you and follow Jesus, amen!

We would love to know if you made the decision to accept this wonderful gift from God. Let us know here.

Pray Together

We hoped you found this AFTER THE SERMON discussion helpful for your walk with Jesus. We pray you can find ways to apply it this week!


