We trust today’s message encouraged and guided you in your journey of following Jesus. These notes are meant to help you remember and reflect on the message, help you go deeper into study on the subject, or be used for a sermon group discussion. CLICK HERE to find a discussion group. Enjoy!


Main Scripture: LUKE 5:1-11

If you’re going through this discussion with a community group this week consider taking the time to read the provided scripture to catch everyone up!


This week, Pastor Ryan closed the Rut to Revival series with a simple but true message that we all can apply. Whether we’re still in a rut or we are struggling to get out of one or we desire to live in revival, the way forward is with Jesus. Peter’s day on the lake with Jesus radically changed His life. Jesus changes everything, especially when we let Him move and work in our lives. Peter made a great decision that day to let Jesus work, which ended up being a miracle that lasted for a lifetime. Peter would see Jesus for the holy and great Messiah He was and chose to leave everything behind to follow Him. Jesus has or is knocking on the door of your heart wanting to come in and for us to follow Him. It just so happens that if you follow Jesus you can’t possibly live in a rut. Life with Jesus is an adventure that is fulfilling and worth giving up everything else in this world. Revival life is wherever Jesus is.


I have found that no matter what I'm going through Jesus knows the way out of it. God's Word lights the way. The Holy Spirit is going to guide me into all truth, which is Jesus and God's Word. 

Do you still find yourself in a rut? Are you struggling to overcome something? Are you in a relational rut with someone? Is your marriage in a rut? Are you stuck not knowing what to do in a situation? Are you struggling to overcome a sinful habit? Are you condemning and shaming yourself for something that you've already been forgiven for? Are you not sure what your purpose is in life? I don't want to sound like I'm copping out with an easy Sunday school answer but I have to say the help, wisdom, and direction you need is not found in other humans, in earthly remedies, or your own strength. Help, wisdom, and direction are found in God. 

Let's get into our scripture today. I pray this story is general enough to help in any specific situation but of course, we have the whole Bible to guide us. But I find this to be a great starting point for helping us move forward into a life overcoming ruts and living in revival. 

Let's look at Luke 5:1-11

I’ve read and taught this scripture many times about being a follower and disciple of Jesus Christ. But when I was working through the gospels for my Easter series, “On the road to the cross,” God led me to see that Peter was in a rut. Jesus did more than just revive Peter’s fishing business, Jesus transformed Peter’s life and purpose.  God showed me some new lessons that we can learn from Jesus and Peter's day on the lake. Besides, Father's Day calls for a good fishing story. 


Jesus had been evangelizing and drawing Peter (and the other fishermen) a couple of times now. They had not yet followed Jesus full time and were back to their fishing business. We see in this story that the business wasn’t going well. We could say they were in a business production rut and needed some serious help. At this time Jesus was preaching on the same shore and a large crowd had gathered around Jesus.  

  1. Jesus sees and cares about your needs. 

    1. Jesus sees and cares about getting you out of your rut. Jesus saw the empty boats (v.2)

  2. Let Jesus move and work in your life. 

    • Jesus knows how to get you out of a rut (V. 4-5). Don’t resist, don’t harden your heart towards God. Let Jesus have His way in your heart and life. If we truly want to see revival…if we truly want to change and make a difference, then we need to let Jesus move and work in our lives. 

    • V. 4 Just as Jesus directed Peter to try again, God’s Word is directing us today. Jesus asked Peter to do something. Jesus asked Peter to try it His way this time. 

  3. Surrender your way, trust, and obey Jesus. 

    • In this encounter, we see a great example of how to respond to Jesus when he comes knocking on the door of our hearts or when we are struggling to overcome trials in our lives. Peter also demonstrates key and fundamental attitudes and actions when it comes to following Jesus  

    • Firstly, Peter surrendered his ways and submitted to Jesus’ way. Secondly, Peter trusted and had faith that Jesus had a plan. Lastly, Peter walked that faith out in obedience. By the way, Peter obeyed more than once. We overlook the first time Peter did it in verse 3 (Peter put the boat out for Jesus to preach and then he obeyed when Jesus said to let the nets down again). 

    • This story reminded me of the classic wisdom proverb: Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

    • We have God’s Word to guide us. The life and example of Jesus to follow. The Holy Spirit to lead us in truth. But we can still be stuck because we’ve yet to trust in the Lord with all our hearts. It’s hard because it requires us not to lean on our own understanding, our own vantage point on situations in our lives and to trust God at His Word and do what He says. It requires us to submit to God. God’s way can typically be the harder path but the results are greater. 

    • Let me encourage you today to surrender your way and submit to His way of living. Trust and have faith in God and His plan. Take that step of faith in obedience. Jesus is trying to lead you out of the rut and into revival. 

  4. Jesus fills in our ruts and our hearts (v.7; 11) Full boats and soon a full heart following Jesus. 

    • (v.7; 11) Jesus saw Peter’s two empty boats and filled them. Jesus sees when you’re in a rut. Jesus sees when your life is empty. Jesus sees and knows when things aren't going well. Jesus came to intervene. Jesus cares about your day-to-day and your heart. Jesus came to intervene. Jesus came to fill and satisfy your soul. There’s no rut or empty life too great for Him. He is more than enough for us and more than capable to heal, fix and set your feet on new ground. Jesus has come to fill in every rut. Jesus has come to save and set your life on level ground. 

    • Jesus saved Peter here. Let’s not overlook this. Jesus led Peter to salvation from this day forward. Peter didn’t just see his fishing business revive but Peter would live a fulfilling and abundant life following Jesus. 

    • Isaiah 26:7 The path of the righteous is level; you, the Upright One, make the way of the righteous smooth.

    • Isaiah 40:4 Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. 

    • John the Baptist says this about Jesus in Luke 3:4-6 “A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him. 5 Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. 6 And all people will see God’s salvation.’”

Peter had everything at that moment that he had lived for but he did not have Jesus. Peter recognizes his sinfulness and spiritual condition before Jesus. Peter had a humble and remorseful heart towards God. A reverence for the holiness of Christ, demonstrating a heart change towards God. Peter’s physical rut was filled and now his empty spiritual life would be filled as well by Christ’s invitation to follow Him. Peter leaves everything behind because all He needed was standing right in front of him, Jesus.

I'm going to say something strong but it's purely from a place of love and wanting you to live in a life of revival and freedom from your rut…

I don’t know what ruts you are stuck in but there’s a good chance you’re in it because you’re doing life your way instead of God’s way. You're pulling a Frank Sinatra and you need to surrender to God's way. (That was my dad joke for Father’s Day btw)

If you're still stuck you have to ask yourself how is my way working out for me? Eventually, you have to swallow your pride and let God work in your life. Because oftentimes, if we'll just be honest and admit to God that we've been the hindrance He will step in and help us. Jesus leads us out of ruts and into revival but we need to follow His leading. Has Jesus been speaking, working and leading you to do some things to get out of a rut? What are they? Is it to apologize to someone? Is it to reconcile? Is it to show love? To give and help someone? To evangelize? To share your testimony? To pray? To spend more time with God? To teach and disciple someone? To start a small group Bible study? To praise instead of worry or complain? To let go of a grudge? To love your spouse? There are a lot of things it could be.  

Maybe it’s personal. Maybe Jesus has been trying to be greater than your addiction? Greater than your sin? Greater than your position and dreams? Maybe Jesus has been trying to love you and you’re not accepting Him?

Sometimes if you’re still stuck it means you may need to get counsel and advice from a fellow brother or sister in Christ. 

Overall, Jesus did a miracle here in Peter’s life, but most importantly, Jesus saved Peter’s soul and led him to have a fulfilling and meaningful life. Jesus will work miracles in your life if you let Him. Jesus leads you into salvation and a fulfilling, meaningful life. Follow Jesus out of your rut and into revival life.

This is a great lesson for all of us whether you are new believer or seasoned believer to continue doing life Jesus’ way, as the old hymn says, “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way.”


  • What verse stuck out to you from Luke 5:1-11?

  • Overall, what stuck out to you from this sermon?

  • Why does surrendering your will and trusting God go hand in hand? (Why can’t you do one without the other?)

  • Why do trusting God and obeying God go hand in hand? (Why can’t you do one without the other?)

  • How and where do you need to apply this message in your life?

The most important decision you will ever make!

Are you ready to experience salvation and be transformed? We encourage you to process this decision with a strong believer and when you’re ready say a simple prayer like this from your heart: Dear God, I acknowledge and admit I have sinned. I see my need for Jesus Christ. I believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I believe I am forgiven and cleansed of my sin by His death. I also believe I have eternal life because of His resurrection from the dead. I repent, I turn away from my old ways and I choose to live my life to worship you and follow Jesus, amen!

We would love to know if you made the decision to accept this wonderful gift from God. Let us know here.

Pray Together

We hoped you found this AFTER THE SERMON discussion helpful for your walk with Jesus. We pray you can find ways to apply it this week!




NextGen Vision at Calvary