We trust today’s message encouraged and guided you in your journey of following Jesus. These notes are meant to help you remember and reflect on the message, help you go deeper into study on the subject, or be used for a sermon group discussion. CLICK HERE to find a discussion group. Enjoy!

Sermon Title: Forgiveness & Healing In Jesus

Main Scripture: Mark 2:1-12; Mark 6:1-6

If you’re going through this discussion with a community group this week consider taking the time to read the provided scripture to catch everyone up!


We’re following Jesus to the cross and Pastor Ryan had us stop to learn more about the divinity and power of Jesus Christ. In Mark 2:1-12, Jesus is preaching in a home so full and crowded there was no room for four men to bring a paralyzed man to be healed. They were so confident and full of faith that Jesus could heal this man that they went to the roof to get this man to the feet of Jesus. Seeing the faith of these men, Jesus looked at the paralyzed man and said your sins are forgiven. This bothered some religious leaders because only God can forgive sin and this is the point Jesus is trying to make. Jesus is God, incarnate. Jesus has been given authority to forgive, heal and do miracles as He preaches the Word of God. To prove his authority, Jesus does something even harder than speak forgiveness, Jesus heals the paralyzed man. Pastor Ryan taught us that Jesus has the authority and power to perform our greatest need, spiritual healing, the forgiveness of sin. Jesus also has the authority and power to perform physical healings. Calvary believes and trusts God for healing, today but we also agree that the most important healing is spiritual. We all need to be forgiven for our sin because ultimate healing will come no matter what in the new heavens and earth.



Turn to Mark 2:1-12, we’re going to read about the moment Jesus radically changed the trajectory of a paralyzed man’s life. We know nothing about this paralyzed man. All we know is his situation was dire enough to prompt four men, possibly friends or neighbors, to carry him to the feet of Jesus. I want us to imagine or put ourselves in these four men’s shoes who hear of this good news spreading that a miracle worker and healer is close by. It must be love and hope for a hopeless situation that prompted the idea to place this paralyzed acquaintance on his mat and quickly go to where this miracle worker is, only to find Him unreachable. The thought goes through their minds, we didn’t come this far for nothing. We just need to carry our friend to this miracle worker and we’ll never have to carry our friend around again (or more likely, our friend will no longer have to live in this state). A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, hope, faith…this is the day!  


  • To preach the good news of the Kingdom of God was a priority in Jesus’ ministry. He was sent to do this, including a list of other important tasks. 

  • Jesus preached God’s Word, the gospel message of the good news and the kingdom. If the word of God is good enough for Jesus it’s good enough for us and nothing else needs to be preached and taught. 

  • The men saw the crowds as an obstacle but did not stop them. Faith for change and doing good deeds isn’t always a smooth road. There are often times that when you go to do something extraordinary it will come with some type of obstacle. Those who truly know that this is the right thing to do and believe it can happen will not be hindered and will find a way. 

  • With faith and a little ingenuity they head to the stairs on the side of the home leading to the roof. Roofs were formed with beams of wood and smaller cross beams filled with plaster made of mud, clay, and grass. This would be easy to dig out and repair, but it still shows the great faith of these men. 

  • Jesus noted their vigorous effort to get through a crowd and breakthrough a roof as belief (faith) that He can heal this paralyzed man. 

  • Jesus responded to their faith. Jesus says, “My child (or my son) your sins are forgiven.” I like to imagine that if that happened today there would be this sudden stop of a record player and confusion. This wasn’t exactly what they were expecting, but it’s what was needed the most. Jesus spoke to this man’s greater need, the healing, and forgiveness of His wicked heart brought on by sin.


  • The teachers of the law or Pharisees who were often cynical towards Jesus came to keep an eye on things. They were known throughout the gospels as self-righteous and judgmental. They often missed the beauty of Jesus’ teaching and works because they were set in their own ways and beliefs of the scripture. Jesus said this to the Pharisees in John 5:39-40… 39 “You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me! 40 Yet you refuse to come to me to receive this life.

  • They questioned what Jesus said because only God can forgive sins, which is true and this is the point Jesus is trying to make. At this moment, Jesus is revealing who He is, the “Son of Man,” the Son of God, or God incarnate. Jesus is revealing His deity and role as the one God has sent to be the Messiah. This is an important theological truth, but the religious leaders were blinded by their pride. Jesus does have the authority to forgive sins because He’s God in the flesh. 


  • Jesus asks a brilliant question. Which is easier? Of course to forgive sins would be easier because you can’t see if it worked or not. Jesus didn’t have to prove Himself or His authority to forgive sins, but He chose to by healing the paralyzed man. 

  • Jesus put the paralyzed man’s faith and obedience to the test because he had to stand up, pick up the mat and walk home. And the man did! 

  • Theological truth: Jesus has the authority and power to heal and continues to heal today. God’s people who live by faith in Christ can pray for the sick and needy to be healed. 

  • “We’ve never seen anything like this before!” 



  • Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus has the authority and power to forgive. Jesus has the authority and power to heal and He continues to heal today. God’s people who live by faith in Christ can pray for the sick and needy to be healed. 

The Four Men

  • How do we bring people to Jesus, today? Jesus is pursuing as well.

    • We can bring them to church. Friends, don’t underestimate the presence of the Holy Spirit in one church service. Even when you don’t feel it, even when the sermon isn’t what you needed, or we didn’t sing your favorite songs, God doesn’t waste a moment. God loves us so He’s going to speak through His Spirit to someone in this room or speak through someone to all of us in this room. 

    • We can bring them to our Bible studies. Don’t underestimate the scripture you are emailing and texting to friends. Don’t underestimate your scripture posting online. You’re planting and watering and God will give the increase and results. 

    • We can bring them to our Easter Play, The Rock. Don’t underestimate the visual presentation of the Gospel. 

    • Parents, don’t overlook the power of being an uber driver for your kids and their friends. When you bring them to a church like ours that’s preaching Jesus, it’s like carrying them on a mat to the feet of Jesus. 

  • The faith of these men. 

    • What is faith? First of all, we’re talking about Faith In Jesus, not faith in ourselves. Faith is believing who Jesus says He is and believing He will do what He says He will do.  

    • We need to have faith in Jesus' power and authority to forgive, save and transform our friends. I don’t know Ryan, you haven’t seen my child or you haven’t seen my neighbor…well, no sinner, no person is too far gone for the blood of Christ. 

    • When we have this kind of faith IN JESUS we’ll do anything to bring them to the feet of Jesus. 

    • These four men knew where to take this man. Do you know where to take your friends, your family, and your community? Do you have people in your circle that know where to take you? We need friends like this in our lives that will have faith in Jesus when we’re struggling or in need. We need friends who will get us into the presence of God, not into the presence of a bar, retail therapy, talkathons, a pint of ice cream, or gym therapy. No, we need friends who have the faith that Jesus can fix it, who will bring the Word of God, and pray for heaven on earth in every situation.

    • These four men believed and were convinced that if they brought this paralyzed man to Jesus, his life would actually be changed. I want you to notice something, the man was carried into this home on a mat and he leaves this home carrying the mat. That’s the power of Jesus Christ. He can save and turn your entire situation around and it will bring all the glory to God. 

The Paralyzed Man: Are you in need of forgiveness or physical healing?  

  • Jesus shows us that spiritual healing is even greater than physical healing.

    • Our greatest need is to be set free from the power and bondage of sin. What good is it to heal the lame if they are going to walk into hell? “What good is to gain the whole world, yet lose your soul.” Jesus cared about our health and healing, but He came to heal us from the damage sin has caused in our lives. 

Do you believe you are forgiven? If healing the paralyzed man proves Jesus forgave him, then the cross and resurrection prove Jesus has forgiven the debt for all who believe! Jesus’ victory over sin and death is complete because of the cross and resurrection. Do you believe that this forgiveness is given to you? Because it is! We come to Jesus broken, but when we put our faith in Him we are forgiven and whole.

  • Do we believe God still heals, today? 

    • Belief and unbelief are factors. Mark 6:1-6  

    • My prayer is that we not only believe but we go from here and pray to God for healings in Jesus’ name.

    • John 14:12-14 says, 12 “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. 13 You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. 14 Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!

Let’s come to Jesus in faith to do what He is fully capable of doing and leave the outcome to Him. 


  • What part of Mark 2:1-12 encouraged or inspired you?

  • What does Jesus reveal about Himself to everyone watching and why was that important?

  • What keeps people from believing they are forgiven?

  • What keeps people from believing in healing and miracles?

  • Who or what situation do we need to bring to Jesus’ feet and trust Him with the outcome?

Let’s pray with faith for these people and situations…

The most important decision you will ever make!

Are you ready to experience salvation and be transformed we encourage you to say a simple prayer like this from your heart: Dear God, I acknowledge and admit I have sinned. I see my need for Jesus Christ. I believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I believe I am forgiven and cleansed of my sin by His death. I also believe I have eternal life because of His resurrection from the dead. I repent, I turn away from my old ways and I choose to live my life to worship you and follow Jesus, amen!

We would love to know if you made the decision to accept this wonderful gift from God. Let us know here.

Pray Together

We hoped you found this AFTER THE SERMON discussion helpful for your walk with Jesus. We pray you can find ways to apply it this week!


