The Way Forward

We trust today’s message encouraged and guided you in your journey of following Jesus. These notes are meant to help you remember and reflect on the message, help you go deeper into study on the subject, or to be used for a sermon group discussion. CLICK HERE to find a discussion group. Enjoy!

Sermon Title: The Way Forward

Main Scripture: Joshua 1:1-9;

If you’re going through this discussion with a community group this week consider taking the time to read the provided scripture to catch everyone up!


Pastor Ryan encouraged and challenged us on the way forward in 2022. We took a moment to look at the life of Joshua whom God called to lead the Israelites forward into the promised land. The fulfillment of this promise didn’t come easily, testing and war were ahead of them. But God assured Joshua that he would be victorious and that God wouldn’t leave his side. But there were some conditions. Joshua would need to be strong and courageous, especially strong faith and trust in the Lord. Joshua also needed to know, meditate and obey the instructions God had passed down to Moses and now to him. Deviate from them and they would fail, follow them carefully and they would be successful and prosperous in all they do. We learned how this applies to us today. We stand at the beginning of 2022 not knowing what is ahead but we can assume it won’t be easy. The past two years have been difficult and we can expect challenges are ahead again. But we can be strong and courageous because God is with us every step of the way IF we trust and follow Him, His Word, and His ways.


Context: We’re going to look at some powerful lessons from the beginning of a new season of leadership for Joshua. In this story, we learn more about our God and how to move forward in a challenging season. Joshua was in charge now of taking the Israelites into the land God had already promised them so they could become a nation and community of people with a place to call home. God called Moses to get the Israelites this far but now with Moses’ passing, Joshua is promoted. Moses was a great shepherd and leader through the wilderness, but all these years God had been preparing Joshua the warrior to be ready for the season where they would have to fight for the land that was set aside for them. God was calling Joshua to no easy task. The promised land was occupied by powerful armies and people who no doubt stretch your faith in God. But Joshua had a personal relationship with God and one day as they were meeting and speaking together, God deposited courage into Joshua’s heart. God encouraged and reassured Joshua that He would go with Him because the season ahead wasn’t going to be easy. The powerful promises and words God said to Joshua continue to resonate with believers today so we can get through and be successful through difficult times. We don’t know what’s ahead, but we too have promises and practices we can hold onto and live this year to help us be victorious. 

Let’s read Joshua 1:1-9

God’s Promises to Joshua: 

  • V.1-4 The Israelites would receive the promised land-“Into the land, I am giving them.” It was ultimately going to be by the mighty hands of God, not the people’s works, as long as they followed God’s instructions.  

  • V. 5 Joshua would be victorious and no one would be able to stop them. 

  • V. 5 God will be with them, He won’t fail or abandon them

The conditions to these promises: 

  • V. 6-7; 9 Be strong and courageous

  • In the face of opposition, difficulty, seemingly impossible tasks like crossing a river to facing the armies of Jericho, Joshua needed to be strong and courageous. 

  • To be strong and courageous meant pretty much the same thing, strength, resoluteness, boldness, and courage. The difference is they weren’t needing the courage to go into an interview for a new job…it was to fight against great armies and not die. 

  • When I read this and put myself in Joshua’s shoes all I can think of is the word trust. Joshua would have to trust God every step of the way and lead with strength and courage (bravery) knowing one very vital fact: God is with him. It’s one thing to say you trust God, it’s another to take the next step. It’s those who take that step of faith who find out God truly is trustworthy. Only those who step out in faith have the knowledge or experience and step out with faith in God to see Him do even more in our lives. 

  • V.7-8 Be careful to obey all the instructions given to Moses. Do not deviate from them. Study this book of instruction continually. Meditate, reflect on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. 

  • God didn’t download war strategies yet. You would think that in this speech would be talks of army training and war strategies. But this was the greatest war strategy of them all, do it God’s way. 

  • When it comes to God, obedience, holiness, and integrity were more important than the skill of the army. God would make a way and win the battles ahead if they walked in integrity. 

  • How many of us have made integrity the top of the list for our new year’s resolutions? Yet, Godliness, Holiness, and Righteousness are at the top of God’s list for us. 

  • I heard it said before, skills get you to the top, but character keeps you there. 

  • Integrity would keep the favor of God with them, but wickedness and rebellion would lift God’s protection and help in their efforts. God can’t approve wrongdoing, He is a Holy God. We can do good things but the anointing and approval of God will not be in it. 

  • Success and favor are tied to knowing and obeying God’s commands and Word. The scriptures give us clear, practical, everyday guidance and wisdom that keep us on the straight and narrow and away from destructive paths. 

  • This is why it is often said the safest place to be is in God’s will. I would also add the most successful and prosperous place is in God’s will.

  • Story after story we see in the Bible those who were successful lived with integrity and followed God’s ways (Joseph, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, David…)

The result:

  • Then and only then will you be successful and prosperous in everything you do. 

Then God repeats his command and comforting promise: V. 9 “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord, your God is with you wherever you go.”

  • This would be the third time God would say be strong and courageous. 

  • The second time God assured He would be with Joshua. 

  • Jesus told his disciples that “surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt 28:19–20), showing that God’s presence was not just promised to particular generations, but to every generation of faithful believers. Howard, D. M., Jr. (1998). Joshua (Vol. 5, p. 84). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.

The secret to Joshua’s success:

  • The secret of Moses’ success had been God’s presence with him. It would be the secret of Joshua’s success also, and it continues to be the secret of success for the church (Matt 28:19–20).

  • The importance of God’s presence, protection, and power wouldn’t be a new lesson for Joshua. Moses made his concern to have God come with them every step of the way in Exodus 33-34. 

  • Moses knew how vital it was that God goes with them. In Exodus 33 Moses refused to move forward into the promised land unless God’s presence goes with them. The problem was God had said He would no longer go with them due to the stubborn and rebellious ways of the people. The people had sinned greatly by making a golden calf and worshipping it while God was giving Moses the instructions to follow (Ex. 32). When the people heard God’s stern words they immediately went into mourning and humbled themselves. Moses pleaded with God to go with them (Ex. 33:15-16) and eventually God did go with them for Moses’ sake because God looked favorably on him.  

  • The reputation of God’s mighty works and how He fights for His people would spread from city to city, intimidating and striking fear into the enemies. 

Application to us: The way forward is with God. 


Hold on to God’s promises for us. 

We haven’t been called to conquer armies like Joshua but we definitely have our share of difficulties and opposition to face and overcome this year. We have formidable foes like…sin, viruses, evil powers, discouragement, the watering down of truth, deception, and the list goes on. We have been called though to build the kingdom of God and yes, in the midst of struggle, the kingdom of God must continue to work, to reach, seek and save the lost. We should continue to serve, love, shine like never before in this dark time. It’s not a time to hide or pull back, it’s the perfect time to show what a life filled with Jesus looks like. 

A pain-free, trouble-free, and death-free life isn’t what God promised in this life (not after the fall in the garden), we must wait until the new heavens and new earth. God promised us the comfort of His presence with us through the trials, through the fire, through the storm, and through death. We have the promise and future hope of Christ’s return to take us to be with him forever where we will be free from all the former. While we wait, we are encouraged to keep our faith strong in the Lord, courageously stay loyal to God, and courageously continue to fulfill His mission on earth until the day of the Lord comes. 

Be with God in our meeting places

  • We need a meeting place with God, where we can know Him well, Know His will, Know His direction and receive this kind of encouragement that Joshua received this day. Joshua learned from Moses where to get his guidance (Exodus 33:8-11).

  • Joshua would go to God, God would meet with Joshua. The words we read today were God’s Word (and the instructions given to Moses) for Joshua. He got His confidence, courage, and guidance to overcome and thrive because he took time to meet with God. Don’t miss this point. God wants our undivided attention so we hear him clearly. The Bible says those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength.

Be faithful to follow and obey God’s Word. God’s clear direction is in His Word. God’s Word is vital to living in His will and doing life with Him. 

  • Psalm 119:104-105 Your commandments give me understanding; no wonder I hate every false way of life. Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.

  • Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

  • I can’t think of a more terrifying way of living than without God. Isn’t God always with us? He is omnipresent after all…Yes, God is omnipresent, He is everywhere but it doesn’t mean His favor and blessings are if we are living contrary to His Word. God doesn’t bless wrongdoers and glorify the works of evil.  

  • There’s more insecurity and fear outside the counsel, guidance, and wisdom of God’s Word. When I’ve been afraid and when I’ve been insecure about circumstances or life, it’s because I’ve forgotten to follow God, remember His promises, and obey His Word. It’s often when we are living outside of God’s will when fear and insecurity rises even more.

  • God has called us to love Him over all other things, all other people, and all other gods. God’s Word helps us know how to faithfully do that. If we choose not to follow God’s Word, not to love and obey God we are choosing to do life in 2022 without Him. As Joshua said at the end, But if you refuse to serve the LORD, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the LORD.” -Joshua 24:15 

Be strong and courageous in all situations because God is with you

  • Be strong and courageous to remove sin from our lives. 

  • Be strong and courageous to resist sin.

  • Be strong and courageous to go against the grain of this world. 

  • Be strong and courageous to slow down in this busy world to dwell in the presence of God. In this time you will find strength and guidance. 

  • Be strong and courageous to discipline ourselves and our families to be in church, in our Word, in serving God and giving. 

  • Be strong and courageous to do what is righteous in God’s eyes and in front of everyone else. 

  • Be strong and courageous to go without, to fast, and even fast things that aren’t bad but have taken the place of depending on God.


  • What spoke to you or stuck out to you the most from this message?

  • What makes God’s presence with Joshua and with us the secret to our success?

  • Why is it vital to follow and obey God’s instructions in the Bible?

  • Why is it vital that we have a habit of meeting with God?

  • If we could hear anything from God in our meeting place what would you need to hear from Him right now?

The most important decision you will ever make!

Are you ready to experience salvation and be transformed we encourage you to say a simple prayer like this from your heart: Dear God, I see my sin and how wrong it is. I see how without Jesus I’m lost. I believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Thank you for saving me from my sin, my past, this world, and your judgment. I repent, I turn away from that life and I put my faith and life in Jesus! Amen!

We would love to know if you made the decision to accept this wonderful gift from God. Let us know here.

Pray Together

We hoped you found this AFTER THE SERMON discussion helpful for your walk with Jesus. We pray you can find ways to apply it this week!


The Way Forward Part 2


Why Jesus Came-Part 3