Our True Identity is in Jesus Christ


{ Our True Identity is in Jesus Christ }

We hope today’s message was encouraging and helpful. These notes are meant to help you remember and reflect on the message, help you go deeper into study on the subject, or to be used for a Bible/sermon group study. Enjoy!

Main Scripture: {Col 3:1-4, Acts 2:42, Mark 8:34-37}

Other scripture mentioned: {1 Cor 12:14-21, 2 Cor 3:16-18}


(If you’re going through this discussion with a community group this week consider taking the time to read or paraphrase through some of the provided scripture to catch everyone up!)


We talked today about {Cornelius reminded us that our true identity can only be found in Jesus Christ, because only in Jesus can we find true life. We were encouraged to compare our surroundings to the truth of God’s Word, and not to be influenced to follow our surroundings if the are in opposition of God’s Truth.}


·     We will not find our true identity in our environment/surrounding. Our true identity is in Christ along.

·     Jesus is our destination. He is our GPS

·     The early church was devoted to the apostle’s teachings, they fellowshipped often and were devoted to prayer. Developing these habits will help us bear the image of Christ

·     Devoted means to be persistent at something or to continually do it.

·     We are all being transformed into an image. For believers, we are being transformed into the Christ. If we are not being transformed into the image of Christ we are being transformed into the image of our surroundings.

·     If we are not careful we will exchange the truth of God’s
Word for a lie and we will lose focus of our true identity

·     Jesus path leads to life


·       What was one thing from the message that resonated with you?

·         What was a childhood dream you had of what you would become when you grew up?

·         What is a dream you have now?

·         Do you believe you make a difference in the Body of Christ?

·         What are some things you believe keep you from bearing the image of Christ?

·         Do you find it difficult to spend time praying to God?



Father thank you that you came to show us the way to live this life. You set aside your splendor and glory to walk among your people. Lord, you laid a path before us to walk in. Help us to bear your image so you will be gloried through our life and others will see and glorify our Father in heaven. Father keep us from the evil that surrounds us ever day. We are grateful that you are greater than anything we will encounter, even death. We love you Lord. Thank you for loving us. Amen


We hoped you found this AFTER THE SERMON discussion helpful for your walk with Jesus. We pray you can find ways to apply it this week!


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