To Know and Be Known


SERMON TITLE: “To Know and Be Known”

MAIN SCRIPTURE: Matthew 7:21-23 

SUMMARY: What is Jesus trying to say in this passage? He’s addressing the motives of our hearts. Jesus is trying to tell people that simply claiming to be a Christian to get to heaven or doing all the right things means nothing when it’s not done with the right motive, which is knowing Him personally and relationally. God wants more than for us to do things for Him, He wants to know us. What does our life look like when we really know God in relationship? We produce fruit, inwardly and outwardly. We start seeing the fruits of the Spirit in our lives and we begin to do the things He has called us to do (serve, make disciples, etc.). We also begin to worship God. When we know God in relationship we also begin to recognize His voice and know what His will is for us. So how do we have that relationship with God? We accept Him as our personal Savior and have faith in what He did for us on the cross. Then we get to know Him like we would any other person we are close to by learning more about Him, spending time with Him, and talking with Him. Not only do we have the privilege of knowing God, but we have the privilege of being known by God as well. God doesn’t just want us to know HIM, He also knows US. He knows everything about us, the good and the bad, and He loves us and wants to be in relationship with us. 


Matthew 7:21-23

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’”

What does this mean? The biggest thing I want us to understand about this passage is that it’s all about the motive of our hearts.

So let’s break it down:

  • Verse 21: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” Here Jesus is talking about people who claim His name just to get into heaven. He’s talking to people who want the title of being a Christian, they want to be part of the group, they want to make sure they’re going to heaven, but they’re not actually living out the Christian life. They’re all talk. And Jesus is saying, not everyone who simply claims me will enter the kingdom of heaven. 

  • Verse 22: “On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’” Now he’s talking to the people who have done all the right things. They’ve done these mighty works. They have the church attendance, they participated in that outreach, they’ve told their friends that Jesus loves them. And now they’re standing before Jesus saying, Lord look at all these things I did. Surely now I deserve heaven. 

  • Verse 23: But then Jesus says, “I never knew you; depart from me.” In that sentence he brings this whole passage into focus. Jesus is saying it’s not enough to simply claim me. It’s not enough to simply do things for me. Those things are good things, but you did them with the wrong motive. He wants you to claim Him, He wants you to do great things for Him, but He wants those things to be motivated by love for Him, and from knowing Him. 

There’s a difference in knowing someone and really knowing someone. For example, we can saw we know the President of the United States but we don’t really know the President of the United States. We might know who he is, what he does, his favorite color…but we don’t really have a personal relationship with the President of the United States. It’s the same idea here. 

There are two words for “know” in the original Greek that the New Testament was written in: ginóskó and oida. Oida means to have knowledge of something, to know facts, to know something from observation. Ginóskó means to know experientially, through understanding and relationship. It means to know through intimate, personal, experiential relationship. Ginóskó is the word Jesus uses. This passage shows us that Jesus wants genuine, authentic disciples…people who don’t just look good on the outside and do all the right things, but really truly know Him and whose actions flow from that.

What do our lives look like when we know (ginóskó) God and are in relationship with Him?

  • We produce fruit. 

  • We worship.

  • We know what His will is.

So HOW do we have a relationship with God?

  • Come to know the Lord through Salvation. We accept Him as our personal Savior and have faith in what He did for us on the cross.

  • The same way we form relationships with the people around us…

    • Learn about Him!

    • Talk to Him!

    • Spend time with Him!

When you KNOW God, you LOVE God. 

When you LOVE God, you TRUST God. 

When you TRUST God, you OBEY God and have a desire to do all the things he’s asked us to do: The Great Commission. 

This word ginóskó implies an active relation between the one who knows and the person known. Not only do we have the privilege of knowing God, but we have the privilege of being known by God as well. God doesn’t just want us to know HIM, He also wants to know US. The God of the universe wants to know us and have a personal relationship with us.

He knows everything about us: the good, the bad, and the ugly. He sees every part of us and he still loves us. His love for us is not a shallow, superficial love, it’s a deep love that comes IN SPITE OF a deep knowledge of us. 

Do you truly have a relationship with God? If not, you can! Accept Him as your personal Savior and begin to get to know Him in personal relationship. Do you want to have a DEEPER relationship with God? Begin to seek Him and spend more time with Him.


  • Jesus wants genuine, authentic disciples…people who don’t just look good on the outside and do all the right things, but really truly know Him and whose actions flow from that.

  • When we are in true relationship with God, we begin to bear fruit, worship, and have an understanding of His will for us.

  • We form a deeper relationship with God the same way we form relationships with the people around us: learning about Him, talking to Him, and spending time with Him.

  • When you KNOW God, you LOVE God. When you LOVE God, you TRUST God. When you TRUST God, you OBEY God and have a desire to do all the things he’s asked us to do: The Great Commission. 

  • Jesus wants to have a relationship with you. 


  • What was a big takeaway for you from today’s message?

  • What is the motive of your heart?

  • Do you want to have a deeper relationship with Jesus? 

  • If so, what steps will you take to get to that?

The most important decision you will ever make!

Are you ready to experience salvation and be transformed we encourage you to say a simple prayer like this from your heart: Dear God, thank you for paying the price on the cross for my sin so that I can have a personal relationship with you. Thank you for loving me even though you know everything about me. I see my sin and choose today to repent and turn away from that life and put my faith in you! Amen!


The Holy Spirit-Part 6


The Holy Spirit-Part 5