Fear is a very powerful emotion that is governed by the severity of a perceived or real threat to our livelihood. It is vital, especially in our day of fear over the Coronavirus, that we regulate its impact in our lives.
When out of control, fear can do the following:
It Robs Us Of Logic
When our brains are focused on powerful emotions, the logic, rational center is hijacked and does not work well. In other words, intense emotion can take over rational thought.
It Feeds On Itself
Once fear grips us, we tend to get worse because it leads us to irrational thinking and over-reliance on an emotion that grows within itself.
We Tend To Lose Our Best Frame Of Reference: God.
It seems that when fear grips us, we focus on the carnal and how to protect ourselves from any perceived threat. It dulls our spiritual focus, and what we see stirs our fear instead of the sure hand of God, which we cannot see.
Fear Allows All Sorts Of Thoughts To Govern The Mind.
We focus on the negative. We buy into every suggestion we hear if it is not filtered through the truth. We will fill in the gaps we don't understand with what many people are saying. We become confused easily and believe things that can be very inaccurate or downright false.
Fear Will Always Make Things Appear Worse Than They Are
Once fear grips us, we gravitate to the worst possible scenarios in our minds, which can only be checked by logic and truth so that we can arrest its power.
What to do when fear grips us, especially with what is going on in our day?
Get The Facts
Remember, the Bible indicates that the truth can set us free. This truth, in our case, means getting information from reliable sources, like your doctor, or medical professionals. Don't rely on hearsay advice or excited emotionalism-know what is true.
Look Up
When faced with fear, it is always important to note that "perfect love drives out fear" (1 John 4:18). The perfect love of God who always knows what is happening can calm our fears because the peace of God in our anxiety can guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. God is greater than any circumstance in our lives, and He wants to be our strength through it.
Stay Connected To Others
Fear grows when we are isolated or alone. When we can talk to someone and pray for each other, it helps us to ground ourselves from the devastating effects of fear. Remember what the Bible says when it talks about "two are better than one” (Ecc. 4:9-12). Speak with a trusted friend, family member, or group that can give you strength and wisdom we might not otherwise have.
We do not have to be afraid of what is happening in our world today. We can trust our God. Do not lean on your understanding, gain stability with the truth of our circumstances, and always remember that faith in a loving God always wins over fear.
Stay safe but not afraid.
Written by: Pastor Jody Wood